entry 4

peace of mind

1:40am Aug 01.

I'm listening to Dream Theater right now. So, i;m happy.

Just about as soon as i woke up today i went to the Y. Felt great. I wore myself out like a mutha. after that i stayed at home and hardly did shit. Later i went out behing the movies and got a sneak peak of the fast and the furious at the drive in right next to it. would have been better with sound, but i cant really complain. I gotta tell ya, i dont really got alot on my mind right now. Usually i worry and i think awhole lot. But i had a good time tonight, so my mind is at ease. I can get back to peaceful thinking; back to art. I can't stop thinkin about my drums and what i could be doing on them if my parents wernt asleep. Also i gotta break em down and set em up a little better. I've played for over three years and still cant get things set up just how i want them. i wish i had a better place to put em too, for better acoustics and more fuckin room. i want to add on, but im runnin out of room. i can barley walk in my room. i wanna get rid of my bed, and tv, and night stand, and closet doors, and that wall.....

i wanna get a job that requires me only to play on a regular basis, and i get paid in drums. LOL That'd be awesome. if i need money, i could just sell some drums. Bullshit, i'd never get rid of any drums, who'm i tryin to fool?

GOD, i love dream theater...


(double bass)

alright, that's enuf for tonight