entry 8

it's been a while, blah blah blah

sept. 9, 12:34am

eyelids - heavy, brain - working slow, bed - looks so inviting. But I know once i get there i'll wake up and stay up. So, time to add a page to the ol' site.

School's startin to get to me. I forgot how much it sucks to get up early. I mean come on, early's my only time to sleep!

But i switched a cuple of my classes, so i enjoy it a bit more now. I got a band I'm playin with regularly, too. It's been a while sicne i've jammed with anyone at all, let alone play regularly. So, im happy. Maybe i'll post some music if we find a decent way to record.

And I got a bigass keyboard! One of my classes is basiclly piano lessons. So, my mom got me a 400 dollar keyboard! it's freegin' awsome. I can barely play, but the effects n shit keep me entertained.

I can't imagine watching someone who actually knows what their doing on a keyboard. Piano is one thing, but a keyboard with a whole lot o newfangled gadgets, thats so cool. Iv'e seen, like, video clips of poeple, but you never quite get the full effect that way.

jesus im so tired. I wish i had a girl to cuddle up with. that'd make it a little better. it's been a while since ive had one. I guess it's been a while since alot of things. It's beena while since ive had money. maybe i should get a job again, eh? But that's ok, parents are actually buying me shit. didn't used to very much. but thats prolly cuz i never wanted anything, unless it was something real big that i would just save up for myself. but, now i's jobless. i think im ready to choose money over laziness now. I had a good run, but it's time to get back on my feet agian.

my hair's starting to look so shitty. im trying to grow it out, but with my kinda hair, it ends up kinda.. strange. i think im just at the stage where it has to look bad before it looks good. ..hopefully. long enoght to look like shit, short enogh not to be able to do anything with it. but i've havnt had long hair since 5th grade. ive been wanting to do this for awhile, and ain't nothing gonna hold me down! oh no! i's got ta keep on movin!

ok, i think im done bein an idoit for tonight.
