entry 11

thinking reaction

11:55pm sept 27

Isn't it weird how you can think 10x faster than you can talk? You think one thing asnd your thought can trigger another thought which reminds you of another thought, and then you go off on a tangant about this new thing, and eventually you are on a completely differnt subject.

You how people from a certain region dont find that region's accent annoying?... Like if your from the south, you think southern accents are completely normal. As well as all the culture and vocab., etc.

well, the same thing happens with individual families.

diffrent rules are enforced in diffrent houses. stuff like that.

i guess the same goes for inividual people. people's reactions can mean diffrnt things to diffrent people.

if you give me a look, i can think its normal, but you give someone else that look, they can be offended.

If you always act a certain way, (like you;re always a blithering idiot) you're always gonna get the same reactions from people.

now lets say you act diffrently, for about a week, for some reason. You're not gonna get that reaction you always get. (referring to the blithering idiot) And you realize what normalacy is a little better.

-- But then you go back to your original personality. You start to get the same ol' reaction from people.

And you realize how you really are. And you never noticed it before.

Now everytime you get this reaction, its a hint. it's telling you your'e bein this way.
you just cant notice it because its how you always are. Poor blithering idiot. :(

this, by the way, has nothing to do with me. This is about this guy, Jim Flippert.

huh huh, Teve Torbes.