entry 12

crazy beautiful

1:00 am dec. 6

im gettin really sick of school.

i gotta give a report in two day in front of the class. but the good thing is its on Dream Theater. not too bad.

ok, have you ever been in the half sleep stage, where your not dreaming, but your mind just comes up with weird freaky stuff? like all you see is the blackness of your closed eye lids, and you are almost sleeping, but not quite....
i was on the couch yesterday, no, two days ago, and i started hearing voices. i figured i past out at a party. all these voices sounded like they were just sosializing, havin fun, and i was there in thr middle. i started wondering if i looked stupid at all, like i past out with my pants around my ankles or something. so i said to myself,' ok, open your eyes and see whos here, and see if they're giving you a funny look or laughing at you or anything. '
one.. two.. three.. open your eyes! and i couldn't do it. damn, im sleepier than i thoguth, lets try this again...
one.. two.. three.. open your eyes! and still, i just kept seein the black of my eyelids. Drat!
so i shift i little. i feel something on my face. its a pillow! the weight of this heavy ass (feather) pillow was too much for my eye to handle. hmmmm, one of these people put a pillow on my face. or maybe, did i do it? hmmm

so, i shift alil more and the pillow falls off me. i try agian
one.. two.. three.. open your eyes! still, nothing. i am really past out!
one more time, lets see who's at my house, or whereever i am.
one.. two.. three.. open your eyes! and i open my eyes! and as soon as i do, all the voices disappear. and i realized that i just took a nap on the couch.

oh, that's right, im just crazy. i forgot.

Ginny, if your reading, you really are a hottie. i still got all your pics. im a lil disappointed that i didn't get to see you in your PJs with your stuffed animal. maybe sometime i can, please??


what else? uhhhhh, hmmmmmmmmm. oh i know, wanna see a pic of me from my freshman year in highschool? this picture is what made me decide to start lifting weights. thats me on the ground, ryan above me, and chris on the side.

yep, thats me. sorry for the bad scan, but you still get the idea. that was tommy's first fire in his backyard. i believe he's taking the picture. i remember tommy almost burning himself to a crisp startin that fucker. and chris yelling out, "thanks for the wood!" after we were trying to be all sneaky stealing it from his neighbor. ahhhhhhhh, the good ol' days. how i miss them. we didnt have cars, and walking places was a bitch, but also half the fun. but not anymore. instead of walkin, i let my green ford escort wagon get me places. that's right, ridin' in style. as ryan put it, the POScort. yep yep yep.