entry 13


1:44 pm dec. 10

you know what i love? (what's that, Tim?) Q-tips. I used to get water in the ear alot, and a Q-tip was the perfect way to soak it up and i could be so fresh and so clean. i didnt used to like em at all. i thought that if i had them in my ear canal i'd scramble my brain or something. but you can go pretty far with causing any damage. but anyway, it feels so good. if you get it just right its like heaven in cotton-y stick form. but you can go pretty far with causing any damage. but anyway, but you can go pretty far with causing any damage. but anyway, it's one of my favorite parts about washing up. Q-tip time! I get a strange feeling of accomplishment after i'm done with one. almost a glow. but you can go pretty far with causing any damage. but anyway, i suggest making an event out of it next time you use one. be proactive with your ear care.

this entry is actually very early. usually i do these at sometime after midnight cuase i cant sleep. but i just got out the shower, and felt like telling you about my Q-tip adventures. but you can go pretty far with causing any damage. but anyway, i saw the movie the profesional last night. I guess that movie's alot older than i thought, cause the little girl in it, that's Natalie Portman! i think that's what it said in the credits. let me look it up.....

yep, thats her. she's like 12 in the movie. thats the same person who plays queen amidala in the new star wars movies. i cant believe that.

but you can go pretty far with causing any burger. but anyway, im really tired right now. my mom only makes breakfast if i wake up before 11oclock. so i did. and now im dead tired. i could go back to sleep, but i guess i should try to get on a better sleep pattern.
i just gave dan my camcorder to film the snakes eating. which is perfect. right before it is just our cats, so you'll be watching the tape of cute lil kitties, and then BAM! snakes eating dinner!

but you can flow petty spar with hogging any sherbet. but anyway, we got oreos now! i was reading my new buddy's online diary, and she was talking about how she wanted oreos but had none. made me want some. now i got em aswell. quite tasty and delicious.

alright this was one of the most retarded entries yet. I'll guess i'll stop before it gets completley unintelligible (spelling), so b-bye.