entry 14

um, i guess music is the only common subject

11:36 pm dec 11

some son of a bitch had a no name r kelly type singer on morpheous desguised as a SNL skit. That pissed me off. I DLed what was labled as celebrity jeopardy, err, no, presidential debate, and i played it when it was done, and it was this crappy love song that made me shudder. goddamn that got me so angry. that style of music is not my style, which is bad enough, but when your expecting SNL and you get that shit, oh my god.... someone deserves a beating. well not really, but come on...

thats one problem with free music/media i guess. when your broke you gotta take what you can get. beggars cant be choosers i guess. I did just get a dream theater cover though, hey you by pink floyd. pretty awesome.

i cant thinkof anything else. that just got me so pissed.

LOL. i just got a chessey freindship card in my email. made me go awwwwwwwwwww, thanks ryan.

oh yeah, I took my piano final today. aced the course. now just 3 more semsters of that crap to go!!!! actually i dont mind taking piano, its essential if i wanna major in music. so yea. my prof. just told me i have weird fingers. she said they collapse funny. for most people, if their pinkies bend the wrong way, its the second knuckle. mine does at the first, closer to the nail. my ring and middle fingers do it too if i make em. so im a freak. i knew there was some reason they were so good. actually, it makes piano harder, but ive gotten my complements on them. * =-O *

i guess erica will never know, she turned my ass down.... again. oh well, i found out she's real good freinds with noah. like almost date-able freinds. so i already lost a lot of respect for her. i never meet him, but i want to strangle him for what he said about Kyles funeral. son of a bitch. ill keep my distance so i dont. guy needs to keep his shit talking out of the realm of peoples' deaths. rarely do i actually wish harm on someone, but i can picture his teeth being kiked in.

on a lighter note... schools about done till spring. fuckin right! having no winter classes is awesome, however, having summer classes is not. but lets focus on the winter, no driving to school on ice, no walking from building to building in snow, no broken heaters, ahhhhhh. ---i feel for the highschoolers. it sucks i know,

Rush is the shit. not the radio personality, but the power trio, the 80's band. they're freakin cool. i dont like the shit neil peart was talkin, but they're a great band.

ok, now i ran out of stuff to talk about. so, ....

carpe diem