entry 16

double dose of crazy!!!!!!!

12:43 am dec 26

merry christmas! ....alittle while ago.

right now... listening to jerry seinfeld, have cake taste in my mouth, wearing a green shirt, kakais, socks, boxers with golf tees and clubs on em. for christmas...got a watch, shoes, a couple shirts, cologne, pajama pants, a calender, a walmart 'credit card', money, and coupons for the movies. and we didnt get to gather my dads side of the family yet, so maybe more stuff comin from there. i would have really loved to get people more, but i am so very low on money. so, sorry everyone, guess ill do better next year.

time to get fillysoficul. notice what your looking at. a computer screen, --or monitor, for those of us who are the cream of the crop computer experts.-- if you dont know me in 'real life', this is how i represent myself to you. these pages are 'me' to you. which makes me wish i did a few things diffrently, maybe ill change the set up again sometime. any fway,

when i find an online buddy, godlove'em, i have no idea what this person is really like. maybe the internet is the way for this person to live out his/her fantasies, kinda. not really, but kinda. first of all, you probably dont even think of this online person as a person at all. not right away anyway. a screenname, a font, maybe a profile/info. you have no idea what life outside the internet is for these people.

i thought i could write alot more about this, but it quickly became tiresome. better find another topic, and fast!
GrandTheftAuto3. my god. thats the greatest game ive ever played. i havnt played all the games out there, only like 1% of em. but damn, that game has me in awe. try it out.

ummmmmmm, letssee. what can we talk about? oh well, im just gonna play pool. maybe ill think of something later.

midnight dec. 30

took me long enough, eh? im feeling a bit woozy at the moment, i have no idea why. im drinking some tea i made that didnt turn out too good. isnt helping too much.

ok, i got something to talk about. "W" has been president for a year! A Year!! damn, it doesnt feel like it. but i like where he's taken it. now, I like Clinton, i think he's an allright guy. good guy to meet at a party or somethin. but now we have the exact opposite in office. W seems like the guy that was always picked on in school. Hell, he was picked on while being the leader of the free world. there was a sitcom about how stupid he is. is that show still on? prolly not. anyway, bush is taking this job seriously. now that hes directing the country and we're depending on him to guide us in war time, no body really focuses on his screw ups. well, i havnt noticed any. he's like a diffrent president. i still wish we had had bill to be perfectly honest with y'all, but W seems to be transforming this posotion. The presidency no longer seems like a joke job for a college frat guy. I never ever ever thoght i'd say this.... but Bush seems to be restoring my faith in this noblest of positions. I bet you'll never ever hear a rumor about Bush having a mistress.

i remember when he first came into office, my brother and I were talking about him. He and I are both really into paranormal kinda shit. He was talkin about how it'd be weird if something happened to "W" that would completely change the way history will look upon him. my bro was thinking more along the lines of being president while aliens made first (public) contact. he would no longer be the bubmbling pres, he'd be the one to establish trade with another world, or something like that. and then check it... 911 happened. (most) people see him in a diffrent light. isnt that wierd?

good resource for the paranormal: Art Bell. He hosts Coast to Coast on weeknights. its weird how i (well, my bro, actually) found out about him. On the new tool CD there's a hidden track that has a former area 51 worker talking on a phone about how the govt is preparing for the destruction of major cities. (or something like that, its been awhile since i heard it.) the title of that track was in latin. my bro did a search on those latin words and got to a fan site for tool. the call was from this radio show, where a frantic caller tells the host that the govt is plotting against us. this site had a link to art bell's site. ( http://www.artbell.com ) from there, we are regular listeners. the phone call turned out to be a hoax, but its weird that we found this show like that.

one of the first shows we heard was a replay of an interveiw with an eccentric scientist. one of his theories kinda stuck with me. lemme explain for a bit:
there are two factors; habit, and novelty. habit is when nothing new happens. the dark ages, for example, had a high level of habit. novelty is the opposite, with times like the renaissance.
basically, novelty is something that would be newsworthy. good or bad. advances in medical science aswell as a holecaust would imply novelty.
he described basically this graph.

dont ask me how he gets his info, i missed that part. but he described that a lil after 2000, novelty is a straight line directly upward. and on a line graph, perfectly horizontil or vertical lines are kinda strange. in this case, it means that novelty is infinate... and time stops. so, according to this guy, something in about 2012 will happen that will change the world like nothing ever has.

as he was describing this, Art was kinda stunned. Art had already written a book called "The Quickening" about the very same thing... about how there are so happenings in all areas of news,moreso than there have ever been. so, these two people came up with the same thing. pretty freaky huh?
the examples i thought of at the time were all the shark attacks. but now, my god... days after i heard this interveiw, the World Trade Center is destroyed, starting a war. so, now, i wont be suprised if more things happen. for the next couple of years the novelty is supposed to get insane. hopefully, it will be good novelty. Like another ranaissance. I desperately hope so. maybe the execution of Bin Laden will spark a renewed intrest in the common good of mankind. somethin like that.

ok, changing the subject a tad, lets talk about this new guy. whats his name? ...the guy that tried to blow up the plane with his shoe? that little incedent made me smile. Why you ask? this guy tried to become a martyr for his vile, disgusting beleif in terror. but instead, he's gonna go down in history as "The Shoe Bomber". Haha! There's a big American FUCK YOU! you will be punished the best way America can do so... taint your name via the media! yep, now you look like a moron. im hopin he goes to prison and everybody throws their shoes at him. you know, before the sodomy.

whoa! look at the size of this entry! i better end it before i start blabbin!