entry 19

the day of school!

monday, feb 11th, 9:55am

At school. kinda pissed. i have a class at 9am on mon-wed-fri. so, i gotta get up at 7 or 8 depending on how fast i wanna go in the morn. and... a few days ago my car broke down. i have no car at my disposal. for now i gotta depend on rides from people. my brother took me up to school and i made it here by 9 for the first time all semster. guess what... class is cancelled. you'd think my first reaction would be joy cuz i have no class, but instead i m pissed cuz i came all the way up here and made it ON TIME for nothing. i could have slept for another two hours. my next class isnt till 11.

the guy who tells me class is cancelled is another student(as opposed to a teacher). i try bein freindly and tell him basically what i have above (about showin up for nothing), but in a nut shell. something like "man, thats kinda good cuz theres no class, but kinda sucks that i came all the way up here for nothing." no responce. come on! say saomething in return! cant people just be freindly? dont people talk where this guy comes from? i mean, if i just saw the canellation on the door and then just started blabbin to this guy, i can see him ignoring me... Id seem kinda like a nut. but he stopped me in the hall to tell me class was cancelled. so obviously he aint all that quiet. why cant he say something in responce to my comment? he just keeps walking. i mean, thanks for telling me what i could have read two feet away, but fuck you.

i got an hour till algebra. i should prolly be studying, but im not really known for studying. today is gonna suck, it just feels like it. i hate school, in all forms.

hehe, just spent some time at art bell's website. got some pretty funny pics. if you go to artbell.com, galleries, fun fotos, you'll see. some of the ones on the first page are kinda dumb, but just keep going. anyway, right now is a really bad time for me not to have a car. i need to save up for a road trip to chicago. yeah, belleville to chicago isnt all that much of a road trip, but for me, who hates driving, its alot. Dream theater is on tour but not coming to STL. so i gotta go to chi. i may go to Mlwke after that, if i have enough time and money. If i miss this i am gonna be so pissed. last time they were on tour they came to STL. but i was just getting into them. so, ive never seen em. god i hope it works out ok. need a job, with no car, thats gonna be difficult. thank god for mapquest. i was gonna fly there and just get a rental car to get around once im there, but appearantly you gotta be 25. i thought that was so, but i thoguht it was just more difficult if you were under. which also riuns my other plan, which was to drive a rental car allthe way there. looks like i gotta take my little POS. not all bad, my cars good on gas. and every penny's gonna count. so, yeah.

damn, time's flyin. i just remembered i dont have a calclater for my algebra test. great. fuck school. why oh why cant i just be completly rich?

zoom---- now im in piano class. why is it that everywhere i go i can find some reason to beat someone in the face?


ok, this was a really weird entry, it seemed to transend time. hey, wasted a few mins. of your life didnt it?