entry 20


10:30pm feb. 28

well, its been awhile since ive added anything here. i opened up an 'account' at opendiary.com, now know as freeopendiary.com. and i kinda forgot about my good ol site journal. but neverfear, i have returned.

im pleasantly full. i had an ultimate cheeseburger from jackinthebox, very tasty. it filled me up enuff cuz i had a frozen dinner thing beforehand. so, plenty content.

we're always gonna have alot of frozen dinners now. my mom said shes gonna stop cookin. this is a very bad thing. i get sick of foods plenty fast as it is. non stop frozen dinners and fast food is gonna get so old so fast. i mean there is stuff i can prepare on my own, but this limits me severly. god, this sucks. guess i better learn to cook more


and there it is! a new entry! arnt you happy!?!? :D