Monthly Achievement Calendars
October '05
I'm a sticker lover. I buy tons and tons of stickers and then can't stand using them, in fear that they may be "wasted". And it always sounds like a neat idea to me to record progress on a calendar by rewarding myself with a sticker, but which would I choose, and what if I change my mind half-way through the month? That's almost 30 stickers gone down the tube! So it came to me - digital progress calendars. I can reward myself with a "sticker" on my little calendar graffic using Paint Shop Pro, with no sticker waste! (Of course, any other working graffic editting program would suffice. I just happen to like PSP.) In case I am not alone in my OCD-like mindset, I have made several different calendars to choose from for public use. You can keep them to yourself, or upload them at the end of the month to your server and display how well you did. And if you can find another use for them, that's wonderful, just please don't direct link!
As for stickers, the "medium" is your choice. You can use copy/paste the calendars into Word and use ClipArt images to record your progress, or you can use PSP's Picture Tubes, or whatever is easiest and aesthetically pleasing to you. Make sure it'll keep you motivated, and try to keep track of what each day's goals were, either on the calendar, or attached to it somewhere. If you're having a hard time you can always look back to those good streaks and reflect on how you were so successful, and why you are struggling now.
Several ideas for achievement calendars:
Reward yourself one "sticker" when you...
-Don't exceed the day's set calorie amount
-Read a chapter in a book
-Get a meditation period in
-Walk for 15 minutes
-Create something new
-Finish all your homework
-Call Grandma
-Finish all your chores
-Don't spend money on things you don't need
-Get in your Five-A-Day
-Drink 8 glasses of water
-Look at something from a different perspective
-Balance work and play
-Abstain from alcohol, nicotine, etc.
-Don't bite your nails
-Meet any other goal important to your valuable self
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October '05