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Philosophy behind designs

Villa Maesen uses the concept of pavilion of the Farnsworth house in order to have maximum penetration of view.
The Farnsworth house has an interior which can glaze from floor to ceiling providing maximum penetration of view of wood: concept of clear span and universal space, creation of a human habitation.
"> Villa Maesen is a single volume suggesting the concept of the house as pavilion.
Villa Maesen and the Farnsworth house have single floor plans which suggest simplicity in style.
The Farnsworth house has simple rectilinear floor plan with single space in symmetry. The layout is as follows: service core in the northeast corner of the interior, with kitchen to the north, sleeping area to the east, dining to the west, and living room to the south. It only has simple straight line and plane formation, eg. plane wall, windows and roof, which has no curves.
Villa Maesen has single rectilinear plan and flat slab creating a rectangular volume. Besides, it uses steel and cladding rather than the rendered concrete slabs of pure white villas.

Next, we will see the techniques the 3 designers applied to build their houses.