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rzSoundManager is intended as an add-on for rzWave.ini and/or rzMP3.ini. If these scripts are installed and functioning, no further setup is required. If your version of Mirc is less than 5.5 this script may not function properly.

rzSoundManager Dropdown Menu in mIRC
rzSoundMngr Dropdown menu in mIRC

Auto and Manual PlayLists

Playlists for waves, midis and MP3s ill generate automatically into seperate windows that will appear in your toolbar, when you start your mirc (see pic BELOW).
You can turn the autolists off and on by clicking on 'Autolist' in the dropdown menu. You can then choose to manually open any one or all 3 of the playlists by using the popups in the drop down screen (see pic ABOVE).
Double click a song title to play that song to yourself, right-click on any song for more options such as Halting playback and Deleting a file you may have just listened to and decided not to keep then use 'refresh' to re-generate the changed List. (see pic below for a view of the dropdown menu that lists the options in the Playlist windows)

PlayList Dropdown Menu with Options

PlayList Options

Manual Playlists

Wave Main and Midi Main will list the sound files in the folder you have assigned to sound files. By default, mirc creates a folder \mirc\sounds for waves and midis. NOTE: You may be locate your sounds folder anywhere on your hard drive. Be sure the settings in file|options|sounds|requests point to the correct folder.

Wave Other and Midi Other are secondary directory folder(s) you may have assigned to sound files. This is recommended if you have a very large collection of sound files.
For Example: \mirc\sounds\songs or \mirc\sounds\jokes or \mirc\sounds\effects etc.

MP3 Main is the folder you have assigned your rzMp3.ini to access for a list of files. Because Mirc does not support mp3 playback, you require rzMP3.ini to setup your Mp3 sounds for playback to channels or friends first. You also require rzMP3plus for CrapStopper, and a cd-rom with mp3s to use rzMP3 CD-Rom

ClickGet Window in rzSoundManager

ClickGet Dropdown menu


ClickGet is an autoget window that minimizes to your toolbar when you start mirc for use in any mIRC screen. It tracks the last 20 mp3s, waves, and midis played that you don't have and lists them with the name of the person who played it and the name of the sound file played.

Double-clicking a song title will DCC Get that song from the person who played it. Right-click a song title and you will see the options for changing the nick of the person you want to get the song from and the option to clear the list.

Eliminate spaces in sound file names: mIRC will not recognize spaces in sound files and others will not be able to get or play a file that has them. Example: "really kewl.mp3" should be changed to "really_kewl.mp3"

rzMp3 Help Page