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 The Pantheon of Gods on Gondar is not hugely extensive. Below are listed some of the most important Gods with their human names. Other gods are worshipped by other races.
Coper -  God of the White Sun, God of Thunder, Communication, Beta Summer
Humans believe that the white sun is the embodiment of Coper circling his lost love, Gondar, for eternity. Thunder is made from the sound of his flail as he chastises himself in repentance. Thunder is believed to be a message to the world, an expression of his power and his frustration at his loss. It is through this frequent communication of his pain, that Coper has also become the god of communication. His is the god of beta summer simply because that is when the white sun is at its zenith.
Helios - God of the Red Sun, God of War, Alpha Summer
Humans believe that the red sun is the embodiment of Helios and he too circles his lost love, Gondar. He is believed to have been quick to temper and in some quarters he is attributed the blame for starting the fight with his brother. The red sun is the hotter of the two suns and alpha summer scorches the earth when it comes.
Khara - Goddess of the White Moon, Goddess of peace
Khara and Gondar were very close sisters. Out of love for her sister, she has determined to remain by her side for all time and to ensure that she rests in peace and tranquillity. The white moon is, therefore, worshipped as the embodiment of Khara, Goddess of Peace.
Preta - Goddess of  Love
The gatherer of life, Preta is attributed with the care of love in all its forms on Gondar; passionate, unrequited, selfish. For it is from Khara’s love for her sister  that all life is drawn.
Quetass - Goddess of Evil and Darkness
Quetass, the Earth Tearer, is attributed with all that is evil and dark within the hearts of men. She expresses her fury at her imprisonment through shaking the earth causing earthquakes and the explosion of mountains (volcanos). 
Bratar - God of the Blue Planet and of Sadness
Bratar fell victim to his passions. He fell in love with a beautiful faerie but could only be with her by giving up his powers. He spent blissful years with her but she died in child birth, with Bratar unable to help heal her pain because of his lack of power. In his anguish at the loss of his love once more he exiled himself to orbit Gondar alone.
Rendast - God of the Air
Rendast, is a former lover of Preta. Once she had bought life to Gondar she realised that the heat of the anger between the twin suns was to great to sustain it. She persuaded Rendast to cast a protective blanket around Gondar; a blanket of air.
Llendew - God of the Skies and the Seas.
Llendew was Gondar’s faithful servant, who resolved to serve his lady for eternity notwithstanding her demise. He ensures that she is cleansed and soothed by the seas and the rains.
Yanook - God of Tricks
Yanook is ambitious and enjoys tricks and pranks of all kinds. He enjoys schemes and tactics, jokes and japes of all kinds. 
Brell - God of Sleep and Story telling
Brell  is the most placid of the gods. He gives temporary peace to those who suffer by day. Each night he comes to Coper and Helios and tells them a tale to make them drowsy. They fall asleep and escape from the pain of the loss of Gondar.
Asher - God of Twilight
Asher is a particularly artistic and creative god, who creates beautiful paintings in the sky each morning, to wake Coper and Helios from their slumber, and each night to calm them so that Brell can entice them into sleep.