I saw a vision of a huge Golden Eagle, flying high
above the other eagles. I recognized that this huge Golden Eagle was a female (see "Golden Eagle" December 11, 1998). And then
the Father spoke to me:
Yes, I am bestowing gifts and anointings upon
those handmaidens of the Lord whom I have called from before the foundations of the world. I am
pouring out My anointing upon them and I am bringing them forth now, that their presence would
be made known to those who speak My words unto My people. For I would not have this imbalance
in My people. For those who are abiding within My Son Jesus Christ there is neither male nor female,
nor can they be. And I will not allow this distinction, for I would not have this imbalance to continue
in My church.
The oppression that has been endured because
of the traditions of men and by those who seek to be chief among youthose who operate in
the pride of the power of their flesh in order to build their own kingdomsshall not continue.
And they shall not continue to operate in their own wills for I shall bring them to repentance. And
I shall replace their pride with humiliation before Me, so that they will operate in My power and so
that they would do My will.
For those who do not repent, to those who continue
to be prideful and who continue to operate in their own power, I will cause them to fall from their
positions of self-glorification so that by not receiving humiliation before Me, then they shall be subject
to being humiliated. For My church is a church of power and on My bondservants and on My handmaidens have I poured out My power. And it is not their power. It is My power, and it is for My
purposes, according to My will that I bring these who are truly abiding in My Son Jesus Christ to
the forefront that My power may be displayed through them as I continue to gather in the harvest
which I desire.
For many of the things for which many of you
have prayed and sought My face, many of these things, says the Lord, have not been for My glory,
but have sprung from your own selfish desires. I will not honor such prayers, I will not honor such
seeking for signs, wonders and miraclesmanifestations that you seek instead of seeking Me.
For I am a God of power, and I am power. And as you submit your will unto Mine, as you recognize
that you are powerless, and your only power is from Me, as you put aside your purposes of
self-aggrandizement and you seek to bring Me glory, I shall empower you.
Each and every step of faith that you take walking
in that faith, and not by your sight, and knowing that I shall bring about that which is good and that
which is edifying and that which will bring Me glory, and that which will bring Me the harvest that
I desireto those that step out in that faith, I will pour out My anointing upon you. For it is
only when you recognize Jesus Christ as your Head, only then, can the anointing I pour out flow from
the Head to the body. And you are My body and Jesus Christ is your Head. And so I honor those who
honor their Head, Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.
So look now and listen as My Golden Eagles continue to proclaim the things that are of Me and for My church for they shall bring a balance unto that
which has been unbalanced. They will bring a power to that which has been powerless. And they
will bring a purpose to that which has been lacking in purpose.
For My church is not a rag-tag scattered bunch,
each one acting upon their own sovereignty, but My church is a well-organized and efficient living
organism responding to the directions of its true Head. And all members have a function and all
functions are necessary. As you continue to walk in the truth of My Living Word, My Son Jesus
Christ, so shall all men know that you are My disciples and that you have love one for another. And
if you have not this love, if you have not this bonding together in the Spirit of My Son, then you are
not of My body, a living organism. For I do not anoint dead institutions, I anoint the living organism
of My body that has life and life more abundantly.