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Statistical Information More About Me
Name: Jerry B Nettrouer II For a decade my primary interest was in becoming a guitarist.
However; I would toy around with computers, building them for family and friends,
helping them to better understand and fix computer problems, as well as teach
them how to surf the net, and shop online.

Eventually my interest changed so I went to college for computer networking,
and discovered many more computer related things I enjoy. I enjoy helping others
solve computer problems. I do spend a good deal of my free time challenging
myself to become better at whatever I do. I still enjoy playing guitar, as well as delight
in any good conversation while hanging out with friends, and spending time with
family members. I place a great deal of my happiness in the well being of my family
and friends, with little regard for ego or material possessions.

I've been blessed with a great family. My parents are the best people I've ever 
come to known.  My dad for his personality and my mom is an inspiration. 
My older brother Ron is a down to Earth hard worker, and fun guy to be be around.
My younger brother Nate is good with money "aka First Nation Nate", a ladies man,
a big movie buff, and together we come off like comedians, constantly setting each
other up for ne humorous thing after another.  Finally my sister Genny, she's got
a kind heart, ikes spending time with the family, and is always up for a good laugh.

Some of the things I enjoy the most are the fellowship at my church, and with 
other Christians, wherever, and whenever I can. I enjoy my church and our pastor 
is a very intelligent, thoughtful person, who works hard to help us understand and 
be inspired to grow in our relationship with Christ. I spend a fair amount of time 
reading the Bible and have started reading it through for the second time. I originally 
read it in the New American Standard Version, now I'm reading it in the King James, 
and if the Lords willing I'll read it in many others, ASV, NIV, New King James, ect. 
I also enjoy spending time developing, and working on computers, and developing
website resources. I am currently working on getting an in house public domain
server up and running that would allow me to make a website uninhibited by what
others want for a website and let me be as creative as the Lord will allow. I also
very much enjoy the fellowship with Michael and Rachele Sleep from Rachel's Home,
as they have become very good friends of mine.

Religion: Christian
Education: A.S. in I.T.
City: Plymouth
State: Indiana
Country: U.S.A.
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Age: 33
Status: Single
Children: None
Work Information
Computer Experience:  
 - Design & Construction
 - Repair & Troubleshooting
 - Upgrading & Consulting
O.S. Experience:
 - DOS Version 3 thur 6.2
 - Windows Version 2 thur XP
 - Red Hat Versions 6 thur 8
 - Mandrake Version 7 thur 9
 - Slackware Version 7 thur 10
 - Macintosh Version 7, 8 & 10
Network Experience:
 - Ethernet & Wireless
 - Internet & Intranet
 - DNS, HTTP, E-mail,
 - MySql, Firewall & More

Jerry's Worldly Philosophies
1. Its not easy keeping your mind on the creator when his creation (woman) looks so fine.
2. If you make people think they're thinking they'll love you for it, 
    if you actually make them think they'll be afraid ... very afraid.
3. The most intelligent thing a person can learn is there's always a whole lot more to learn.
4. Intelligence is needed whenever stupidity fails to find the solution.
5. Two wrongs don't make a right ... but three lefts do.
6. Knowledge is only power when it's kinetic, it's nothing while its potential.
7. You know what stupid is when it hurts so bad you acquire intelligence.
8. Discoveries can happen by accident, but intelligence requires a design.
9. Without an absolute there is no way of knowing if your getting anywhere.
10. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.