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A Tribute from the Heart

 Some will tell you that September 11th, 2001 is the day the world cried, and together we did...we grieved through our tremendous and unnecessary loss and fought desperately to find answers to how and why this happened.

I didn't find any answers that were satisfying to my heart but I do believe from this tragedy has come such phenomenal acts of heroism from the passengers who fought back and diverted their flight from it's course of more disaster to the people who opened their homes to stranded strangers to those who gave of themselves in any way to support the grieving and of course, to the police officers, rescue workers and firefighters who give everyday and those who gave their lives that day in the hope that they might save just one more person...... heroes that restore the faith for all of us in being human.

Maybe on September 11th, the world received a reminder ...a reminder that we are not here forever. The only certainty in life is this very moment, a mere second in this minute of THIS

A weary protector..

A Tree For The Season
The United Nations brought our countries together...
may the holiday season make us remember all the reasons why
we need each other...

Click on the button above to download:
~ A Tribute to New York ~
(Powerpoint presentation)
Background Music - Hero by Enrique Iglesias (WTC Tribute Version)

I spent a few hours putting together this tribute, I hope it will
be something you'll share with your friends and family...
(it's 4mb's but trust me, it's worth every byte)

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