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"Motive???..we don't need no stinking motive"

Ok ok, maybe I did have one or two motives for wanting to create Sno's Escape and to display these pages and images on my site.

1. just to see if I could actually follow instructions, it's not like they were as easy as "insert Tab A into Tab B" hehe
2. If you know me, then you KNOW I'm a packrat AND with very litte storage space (oh shaddup, these are MY motives)
3. To show a little admiration to those who have way more talent than it took for me to 'borrow' the images, I'm just the one with great taste ;)
4. Someone actually told me I wouldn't make it past typing 3 lines of html and that just sounded too much like a dare to me. Well, here I am! ... although we'll miss them dearly....

    Let's face it, anyone whose gone 'shopping' for graphics on the internet knows what a treasure hunt it can be. I get totally lost in my own world (much the same way as I do at the local flea market or in a really good antique store). I feel sorry for my computer somedays because the poor little beast has had to deal with a mistress who has a color fetish for everything from skins for her Winamp to Webshots for the desktop to Themes complete with interchangable icons and sounds. If you can skin it, coat it, cover it or splash a dash of pink, green or blue on it...I find a way! Nothing is sacred, right down to the look of the smarta$$ words typed on the pages. You DO know fonts are collectable too...right?? (See font link below) *wink*

    Over the next few weeks I'd like to dabble in the "Fun Pages" section. I'm not even sure at this point what will pop up there so it'll be a surprise to both of us, but that's half the 'fun' huh :)


    Special Thank You To
    Moyra's Web Jewels for the amazing web sets
    and Dynamic Drive for the mouse and page effects
    for Sno's Escape

    Design and Graphics Copyright © 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000, Moyra/MysticPC.
    All Rights Reserved.