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Reality?? just a lil rumour...

<-- mIRC - A place we called home
~ My 4th anniversary for being an internet addict was November 5th and my first 3½ years was spent on IRC (internet relay chat) using a program called mirc. Enter and have a peek at what it's all about, you won't be was the time of my life
<-- ICQ and MSN's Messenger -
~ If you've been on the internet for longer than 6 months and you havent at least heard of ICQ, then you're either deaf or not paying an ounce of attention. This program has skyrocketted to becoming the main source of staying in touch with family and friends on OR off the net. MSN Messenger is microsoft's version of ICQ and caters mainly to hotmail users. Come on in and at least have a peek at what they do and where I lurk
<-- Sno's Escape - MSN Web Community for Friends
~ day, I'm just dilly-dallying with my newly released MSN browser and I notice a banner "Make your own photo album for your family" I figure what da heck. I create it, name it, click on save and voilaaaaa! I'm the manager of my own Web Community...well great, now what??? the next obvious step, invite a few friends to join in
<-- Pogo's Homepage - Internet Games
~ I'm a card nut!! I admit that (and ONLY that for now). They haven't invented a game I wouldn't attempt but 'Pogo' has made it possible to play your favourites and find other card addicts doing the same thing ANYTIME of the day or night from all over the world. And really...what could possibly be a more casual way to meet and make friends while you euchre the (_|_) off of your opponents. Login and come find me in the Euchre rooms and we'll play a few rounds together

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* Dedicated to all who made the internet feel comfy cozy to me


Most of the Graphics on this page by Moyra
Copyright © 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000, Moyra/MysticPC.
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