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Welcome To My ICQ
Communication Center

I've been on Icq for about 3½ years now but I've never been a constant user. Some days I'm on it from morning to night then go a few weeks just checking it for messages a couple of times a day. That's what I like most about this program, you can receive messages from your friends whether you're online OR offline and for those who don't use IRC, then this program is a great alternative for sending people you know your pictures or your favourite programs in a much quicker way than using email. (Saves you making them angry by backing up their email with those huggggee joke exe's hehe)

The program itself is simple and easy to work for ANY newbie to the computer. ICQ's homepage has complete detailed information on it. Oh ya...and for those of you who are color mongers like me...ICQ is completely skinnable ;)

<== Plain ICQ<== with Skin

Contact me with the buttons on the Pager below....

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If you do not have ICQ...
You can contact me through my EmailExpress address or my Web-Pager:
Homepage: Sno's Escape
ICQ Communication Center Address:

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Send me an Express Email and it will notify me of your message on ICQ at the same time

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