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       Friend's Websites

Leah's Page

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Foxie's Page

Nancy's Page

Ron's Page

Roberto's Page

Wolfgx's Page




           IRC Related Websites
mIRC's Home Page
Superchat's Home Page












             Other Internet Goodies

Irfanview - If you havent got it, get it..If you have it and you don't use it, dust it off and install it. This teeny program is by far a hidden treasure when it comes to something you can easily use to edit, crop, resize and view your pics. It plays wavs and mp3's too and so much more. Best Little Pic Viewer on the net. Thanks zila

Winamp - I haven't tried them all but I know I've tried over a dozen mp3 players and I always return to winamp. Easy to use, easy to load, easy to make your own playlists and still easy on your cpu. Winamp plays all music formats and is skinnable for those of you who are color addicted ;)

Winzip - I'm not sure you can survive more than 3 days without some version of winzip. Personally I don't last more than 8 minutes after an install of windows. For all your .zip and .exe solutions, get the latest release here.

Mcafee Virusscan - If you don't have a virus scanner installed, you're braver than me. Mcafee has free virus updates available from their homepage.

Norton Virusscan - My personal choice right now but only because it's still free and updating is still fairly easy. My "live update" doesnt always want to co-operate so I now just use this url to download the latest and greatest.





















                   Some Fun Stuff

Hotbar - My name is Sno and I have a color fetish...if it's skinnable or can have it's background and icons changed, *I* change it lol. My web browser is no exception and no one does it better than hotbar. Easy to install and has a list of websites for you to browse through to choose from 1,000's of skins. Have fun!

Desktop Themes - This link displays a new theme each day and has links to those you missed from yesterday, last month or last year. What more could you want? lol

Skins of the Day - Just like the link to the themes, this offers a new skin for winamp and icq everyday or browse through the ones you've missed

Stationery Heaven - Name says it all. Just one FABBBulous site that I shop on for my favourite email backgrounds that fulfill any mood I might be in when I send mail to you LOL

Yvonnes - A site that has just a little more of the color thingyyyy's for everything from you browser to your winamp, screensavers too

Fontalicious - This site has a little of everything with a twist, you can actually test out the graphics and fonts right on their site including fonts, buttons and backgrounds.

Sneugle's Junk Drawer - Don't believe the name, there's lots of cute stationery here to scrummage through and tutorial's for those Photoshop addicts

Jodiann's Desktop Themes - There's no way I could list my favourite links and not include this site. I've gotten so many ideas and downloaded so much from here that I cant keep track anymore. The Angel Theme is a 'must have'

Tootsie's Theme Shop - maaaaaaahhh-velous site of themes, I visit once a month whether I need another theme or not. My favorite is "Wild Waters"

Audiogalaxy - Love music?? like it a bit even? Then like me, you were lost and felt abandonment when news of Napster's demise hit the internet. Have no fear, many more programs that offer the ease of downloading your favourite tunes have picked up the ball and ran with it. Audiogalaxy is a web-based program and offers mp3 sharing peer to peer. I haven't been able to stump them yet on a single song title, they've come through everytime.

Morphius - You like free?? You like 'sharing' what you find? This program shares it all, virtually anything on your harddrive can be shared with this peer to peer format program, even has its own chat program. You set the folders or drives that you want others to see then go in search of other people's goodies. It's Napster, just one step further...

































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