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My Home Away From Home -- IRC

They Say Im Addicted - I Call It Dedicated :)

I started IRC in November of 1996 and was 'addicted' from the first day.
You can talk to your family or meet a world full of friends, share pictures, computer programs and
ideas, play games, send-play-make music, or just chitchat about darn near anything :)

Four years ago I couldn't even find the power button, but I knew I really wanted to learn.
I was fortunate to meet some of the most amazing people in a channel on IRC called "beginner".
In August of 1997, a group of us flew to St.Louis, Minnesota and had the chance to meet face-to-face
In August of 98 and 99, we had IRC get-togethers here in Ontario that created memories to last
a lifetime. I treasure them as my closest friends and with their kindness, generosity and endless
PATIENCE, Im now surfing not only the internet but my computer as well :)

The learning never ends and there's so many amazing things happening with computers now to
make every day more interesting than the last. I spend my time now sharing what I've
been taught and having a ball!! So give it a try, follow the the program and
discover another way to have a great time. I've left a map and all the tools you'll need to get there safely.
No worries either...I've saved you a seat in #Beginner - It is THE place!! :)

To Find Snowwy On Irc:

You first need to download the 'mIRC' program and install it to your computer.
When opened, the screen will look VERY similiar to the background on this page :)
Then fill in your information in Setup [you can fib about your info]
Next.. 'Connect' to NewBrunswick Server on Superchat Net: Type this in the
status screen -->/server
To get mIRC -- Download from here [that's all it takes!]
Take some time to peek at some special people on the channel -->
#Beginner's Homepage
There's pictures everywhere of this unruly crew...hehe...[past and present]

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

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This page dedicated to My IRC Pals :)  