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Part 10

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


In the Negaverse Queen Beryl had called Malachite before her throne.

"You summoned me, my Queen?"

"Yes, Malachite, I have someone here who I thinkk you should meet. Selenite, come forth!"

A girl with long blonde hair walked into the room wearing a Negaverse uniform. Her hair was up in a very familar hairstyle.

"Selenite? She looks oddly familiar. That hair.....she can't be...."

"Oh but she is!" Beryl delightedly said.

Selenite bowed to Queen Beryl, "Yes, Majesty?"

"Selenite, meet Malachite, he will be training you."

"Pleasure to meet you Malachite," Selenite extended her hand to shake his.

"I believe that the pleasure is all mine," Malachite grasped her hand and kissed it.

Selenite blushed and snatched her hand back.

"Now that you have both met, I have a mission for you. We still need more energy to release the Negaforce; go collect more from those miserable humans and should those bothersome Scouts show up, capture the Silver Imperium Crystal!"

"As you wish, Majesty," Malachite and Selenite said in unison as they bowed. Then left to begin their mission.

"Excellent," Beryl cackled to herself. "Those silly Scouts will never see this coming! And they're powerless to stop it, for they'd never even think of harming their precious princess. It's only a matter of time before the universe belongs to me!"

HA! You probably wondered when I was going to get back to Serena, who is now Selenite.

Earth Science is a wonderful class if you want to come up with names for Negaverse generals. **tee-hee** Selenite is a white, soft rock that flakes easily. They always said that Serena was a flake so it works. The name is also close to Serena's so that was another plus. *smiles*

Anyways, I better get going, keep those emails and suggestions coming!!! See you later!

Email me your comments and ideas PLEASE!!!
