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Part 9

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


As Mina, Ami, Luna, and Artemis came closer to Serena's house Mina became more nervous.

"Are you sure that you've told me everything I need to know, Luna?" Mina asked.

"Yes," Luna said, "I'm sure of it. Well, here we are."

They all stopped and look at the house. Mina sighed deeply and Ami put her hand on Mina's shoulder to remind her that she was not alone. Mina turned around and smiled. "Thanks again for coming with me, Ami."

"Don't mention it, Mina."

They followed Mina to the door and into the house.

"Is that you, Serena?" Serena's mom called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's me, Mom," Mina said. "Ami's here too so we can study. Do you mind if she spends the night?

"No, not at all, maybe she'll get you up on time for school tomorrow," Serena's mom joked, but was almost serious.

"Thanks, Mom," Mina said as she dragged Ami up the stairs to Serena's room. "Whew! That wasn't too bad," she said as she shut the door.

"Told you that you could do it," Artemis said proudly.

"What a sty!!!" Mina exclaimed; looking around the room. "Has it always looked like this?"

Ami and Luna looked at one another, then looked back to Mina. "Yes," they said in unison.

"Let's clean it up then, I can't live like this."

"Don't you think that Serena's parents will wonder what's up?" Ami asked.

"I'll tell them that you couldn't concentrate with all this mess," Mina said cheerfully.

"Alright," Ami said.

"We'd better take cover, Artemis," Luna whispered.

"Don't need to tell me twice, Luna," Artemis said as they left the room.

"Ok, let's get to work!", Mina declared.

~End Part 1~

Email me your comments and ideas PLEASE!!!
