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Part 18

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


Tuxedo Mask stood nonchalantly, leaning with his back against the old clock in the park. His arms were crossed across his chest. His head was head down in such a way that his chin almost touched his chest. The top hat that he wore was tilted downward toward his eyes. The sky was over-cast; the moon hidden behind a cluster of clouds. The wind was blowing just enough to make the bottom of his cape sway, although most of it was pinned behind him.

The old clock's hands slowly creaked to their postions at 12 as it ominously began to chime. Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong...Dong. The sound reverberated for a moment after the 12th tone. Still Tuxedo Mask stood, unmoving.

A few minutes later he stood fully alert, seemingly for no apparent reason. "Ok, Malachite," he shouted into the darkness, "I know you're here, so show yourself."

"How perceptive of you, Darien," Malachite said as he phased in, "You can't blame me for surveying the area now can you? I mean, after all, I was expecting five of you and I didn't wish to be attacked right of the bat. Speaking of the lack of people, where are the girls?"

"Hiding. You couldn't possibly expect them to be out here in the open with the Crystal. They may be teenagers, but they're not that naive."

"What do I have to do to get you to trust me," Malachite asked sounding hurt.

"Bring Serena here and then leave," Tuxedo snapped.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, the teleportation could kill her. She has grown much weaker since we last spoke," Malachite said his voice full of regret.

"That is the biggest load that I've ever heard."

"Fine, you can tie me up, then I can teleport us there while you remain in total control."

"Sounds good to me," Tuxedo said pulling a rose from inside his jacket.

"Hey now," Malachite took a couple steps backward, "What's that for?"

"You'll see." Tuxedo threw the rose at a branch of a tree where a tire swing hung. The swing fell and the tire rolled to Tuxedo Mask's feet. "This should be enough rope," he said as he cut the tire loose.

Malachite reluctantly placed his hands behind his back and allowed Tuxedo to bind them. "Ow! Easy back there, you don't have to be so rough."

"I'm sorry, did that hurt," Tuxedo asked mockingly. "Ok, girls, you can come out now."

Four figures came out of the darkness, all of them donning black cloaks with hoods that covered their faces. Malachite looked at them with suspicion. "Why the need for the cloaks? So help me if this is all a trick, then you will all pay dearly!"

One of the figures stepped forward and removed the hood from her head. "No trick," Venus said. "We needed secrecy and the ability to blend in with the darkness. Besides that, these costumes don't offer much in the way of warmth."

"Oh, I see... Well, are we ready to go?"

Venus replaced her hood and stepped back to her original place. "All set here."

Tuxedo Mask nodded and tightened his grip on the rope. His mind and heart raced like a thousand wild stallions, but he kept his cool and indifferent demeanor.

"This won't take very long." Malachite closed his eyes and began to concentrate intently on their destination. In a flash of light all six of them had vanished from the park.


Alrighties group. This isn't all of Part 18, but I thought it'd be the best spot to leave you hanging for now. Hey, don't give me that look! Yes, I can see you. At least I'm posting a part of Part 18 & not being totally mean, so there! :þ;;;; (j/k) ;)

I'll get the rest up real soon, but right now it's getting late & this lil priestess should get some rest. Sleep tight & sweet dreams gang! **hugz all around**
