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Part 17

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


After school Mina, Ami, and Lita began their daily trek over to Rei's.

"So, everything's been cool, Mina," Lita asked.

"Yeah, everything is great!"

"No one has suspected that you're not Serena then," Ami asked.

"For the millionth time, no," Mina paused for a moment, "Well, maybe Melvin, but no one would believe him if he tried to blab."

"Believe what," a male voice came from behind. The girls stopped dead in their tracks like deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. "Well, aren't you going to answer me, you want-to-be meatball-head," the voice laughed.

"Darien," the girls sighed in relief. They turned to see him standing by his red, sporty car.

"You guys walked right past me, so I figured that a scare was in order>"

"I have half a mind to deck you, Darien," Mina exclaimed.

"Ooooh, never mind the 'want-to-be' comment, you HAVE turned into a meatball-head," he chuckled as he took a step back to avoid any oncoming slaps.

His comment reduced Ami and Lita to laughing until they hurt while Mina stood with a huge sweat drop on her head. But suddenly the sweat drop changed into a flame as Mina brought a clenched fist up by her face. "That's it! We're getting Serena back, and we're getting her back soon! I want my life back and these stupid meatballs are driving me CRAZY!!!" Mina ended her ranting red-faced and panting for air.

Her campanions stared wide-eyed at her in silence. Darien ended this with a chuckle. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Come on, I'll drive you over to Rei's for the meeting."


When they arrived at Rei's they found her outside in her priestess garb sweeping the walk. "Hi, guys," she said without looking up.

"Hey, Rei," the three girls replied.

"How's it going, Rei," Darien asked.

"Oh, hey, Darien," she said looking up in surprise, "I didn't think you'd come back after you left yesterday."

"Well, tonight is our night; we're getting her back."

"I take it that you know something that we don't," replied Mina.

"Sure do." Darien turned to Rei, "Where's your grandfather this afternoon?"

"He took Chad off into the woods to train this morning, and said that they'd be back sometime tomorrow."

"Good, that means no interuptions today. We must start planning for tonight; everything must be exactly in place."

"Slow down, Dare," Lita said resting her hand on his shoulder, "Clue us in, we're totally in the dark here."

"Alright, I'll sum this up. I've got some good news and some bad news."

"What's the bad news," Mina asked.

"Serena was hurt badly in the last battle and she could possibly be dying."

"What could be good news after that," Rei gasped in disbelief.

"The god that...the Negaverse believes that she's sick because she's been away from the Crystal and so does not have all the energy that she's used to having."

"You call that 'good news'," Lita exclaimed.

"Let me finish," he replied calmly. "Malachite wants us to meet him in the park, by the clock, at midnight. This gives us the moment we've been waiting for; the prime chance to rescue Serena."

"I hate to say this," Ami began, "But it seems too easy. I mean Malachite isn't known for his recklessness. It has to be a trap of some sort."

"True...," Mina replied, "But what choice do we have?"

"None," Rei stated bluntly. "We have to go, she'd do it for anyone of us."

"You're right, she would," came a voice from behind them.

"And it's time you Scouts learned some new tricks," said another.

The girls turned around to see their two feline guardians; Luna and Artemis. "Luna, Artemis, where have you been," Mina scolded.

"Well, you," Artemis stammered. He hated it when Mina yelled at him.

"We were stuck down in Central Command, thanks to that useless lump of fur," Luna gestured to Artemis. "But while we were down there we did some research and found some new things for you girls that might come in handy."

"Great news, Luna," Darien exclaimed, "Ok, group, let's get to it!"

~End Part 17~

What's going to be the game plan? What new powers have Luna and Artemis discovered? Tune in again, next Temple time, same Temple site!!!! :) ;)

Hey! How's it going? Great to hear it! ;) Once again I'm slacking at work. (Go me!!!) I'm also getting over the flu, so I'm feeling spunky!

What do you think of Luna and Artemis finally coming back? To tell you the truth, I kind of forgot about them ^_^;;; Gomen nasai! But they're back and ready to set our gang up to rescue Serena.

Well, it's time to get back to work, catch you guys next time. Keep those new story ideas coming, they're great! :) Ja ne!!!
