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Part 32

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


The glow of the Silver Crystal died down as Princess Serenity opened her eyes and took the wand away from her forehead. She stood silently as she regarded Malachite with coldness in her eyes.

"Was that really necessary," Malachite asked, nearly laughing.

Serenity glared at him, clearly not amused. "You took him away from me. We had just found each other again and you took him from me." Tears shone in her eyes, threatening to spill forth.

"Come now Selenite, he broke the agreement and he paid for it. You are mine now so let's go."

"I will never be yours. I am Serenity, daughter of Queen Serenity, Princess of the Moon Kindom, and betrothed to Prince Darien." She knelt down and picked up the rose from Darien's chest. "I am not Selenite, I never was and never will be!"

"Oh you were and you will be again!" Malachite sent out a dark sphere of energy to trap her.

The attack caught her off guard as it enclosed her into a small area. "Let me out of here," she demanded.

"Not until you come to your senses, my dear Selenite." His eyes began to glow as energy began to fill the sphere.

Princess Serenity was forced to her knees by the energy crackling around her. She closed her eyes then reopened them only to discover that her vision was blurred. "NO!" she cried out in her mind. "Darien, help me... He's trying to take me again. Please, help!" She prayed, holding the rose between her clasped hands.

"I am always here to protect you," said a gentle and familiar voice.

Serenity opened her eyes to see the ghostly form of Darien standing over her, shielding her from the energy. "Darien..."

"You must use the Crystal. You will be able to beat him, you are not alone."

The images of the other Scouts appeared before her.

"You think we'd just just abandon you," Jupiter asked.

"Can't let you do this by yourself Meatball-head," Mars smiled.

"We need to stick together," Venus said

"We were and will always be with you," said Mercury.

"Thank you, everyone. I could never do this alone. I need you, all of you. Let stop him together."

~End Part 32~

Next will be the final battle. What will the outcome be? Stay tuned!

Yes, I once again did not finish it. I thought that I would go ahead and end it there so you guys wouldn't have to wait even longer for me to update ^^; Also I just got outta classes last week and managed to pull straight Bs out of my first semester at college ^^ Not too bad, ne? Well, I better motor. Ja ne and Happy Holidays mina-san!!! ^_^
