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Part 4

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


Back in the Starlight Tower the Scouts were kneeling around Darien. Mars had gently placed his head in her lap and was petting him like a lil puppy. Mercury was busy plugging away at her mini-data computer and getting readings from her visor. Venus and Jupiter were talking quietly about all that had happened in just the short amount of time that Venus had joined the group. Luna and Artemis were sitting in a small corner reminissing about the old days on the Moon; they were also discussing who would be the best Scout to take command.

Suddenly, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over at Darien who was beginning to show signs of consciousness. He groaned quietly as his eyes began to flutter as if he were having a nightmare.

"Darien? Can you hear me? It's me, Rei," Mars said looking down at him.

Darien mummbled something incoherent and then slowly opened his eyes. He winced in pain as he tried to sit up. Slowly, painfully, and with some help from Mars; Darien was finally able to sit up.

"Where am I and what happened?" Darien looked down and noticed that he was wearing a tattered tuxedo. He groaned again. "I remember now," he said looking around. "Where......Where's Serena?"

The Scouts looked at him for a momment and then down at the floor (except for Mercury who had resumed her calculations to get them out of the tower) not sure about what to say to him.

"Where is Sailor Moon? Where is my princess? Tell me," Darien had tears in his eyes, but didn't care enough to brush them away. "Tell me, please!"

"Darien," Luna said gently. She was cautiously approaching him due to the fact the she didn't know how well he'd take the news. Darien looked to her, tears streaming down his face. "Serena was kidnapped by Malachite and Zoicite," Luna resumed, "but they didn't get the wand or the crystal," she added as cheerfully as she could.

"And now we're trying to figure out who should become the leader until we can get Sailor Moon back," Artemis added. He walked up beside Luna and sat down. Since he had brought SailorVenus to join the Scouts, he and Luna had been inseperable. "by now I'm sure that you know everyone's real identity," Artemis said to Darien.

Darien looked around at the Scouts for a second. "Sailor Mars is Rei. Sailor Jupiter is......Lita. Sailor Venus, have I ever met you besides in this form?"

"Nope, I'm afraid that we haven't had the pleasure. I'm Mina."

"Pleasure to meet you, Mina. I just wish it could have been under better conditions."

Darien then turned his attention to Sailor Mercury who was still busy working on her mini-data computer. "And Sailor Mercury, I should have known a long time ago that you're Ami."

Ami smiled at him and said, "What gave me away?" She deactivated her visor. "And now some good news, I figured a way out of here."

"That's fantastic!" Luna chimed.

"Now we can go grab a burger and talk things over," Rei suggested.

"Oh yeah, I could really go for that," Mina said.

"Me too. Yeah!" everyone else siad in turn.

"Sorry, dinner plans just got canceled," said a voice from above them.

"Malachite!" Darien said in a really peeved voice. "Where's Sailor Moon and what have you done to her?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Malachite snapped. "Now just hand over the wand."

"You'll have to deal with us first, pretty boy," Venus proclaimed.

The Scouts all stood in front of Darien; Venus and Jupiter in front followed by Mercury and Mars.

Jupiter looked over to Venus, "Let's double team him, ok ?"

"Excellent idea, Jupiter."

"Oh, you're scarring me," Malachite said sarcastically.

"Venus Crescent Beam........"

"Jupiter Thunder........."



Jupiter's lightning wrapped itself around Venus' beam and charged Malachite at full force. Malachite causually raised his hand and captured their attacks in a dark energy sphere.

Malachite yawned mockingly, "Is that the best you can do?"

"What the?" Jupiter gasped, "How did he.......? That's it! Jupiter Thunder...."

But her words were cut short as Malachite unleashed the captured energy back at Jupiter and Venus. The others could only watch in terror to see thier friends fall what appeared to be lifelessly to the floor.

"Alright, Nega-toad," Mars shouted, "you're going down curtesy of the planet Mars."

"And also on behalf of Mercury."

"Pathetic," Malachite muttered. "Just accept defeat and hand over the wand; I have no need to harm you."

"Go bleach your roots, creep!" Mercury retorted.

"Okay, have it your way." Malachite unleashed more of the energy before Mercury and Mars could even mount a defense. Mars fell where she stood while Mercury was blasted back into Darien, knocking him out as well.

Malachite chuckled to hisself, "I hate to be the one to say I told you so, but hey. Queen Beryl will be thrilled to finally have the wand and teh Silver Imperium Crystal, it'll be easy living for me from now on."
~End Part 4~

Don't you hate cliff-hangers? *grins a lil too evilly* I wrote the majority of this fan-fic after work, which is around the hour of midnight. Am I a night-owl or what? Well, I gotta fly now but you know the drill, EMAIL ME!!! Just drop me a line or two, ok? C-y'all laters cause Part 5 is coming soon!!!

Email me with comments & ideas PLEASE!!!
