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Part 5

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


Malachite grinned evilly; all too pleased with himself; as he walked past and over the fallen Scouts he chuckled like a child who knows a secret joke. Malachite made his way toward Darien and kicked him.

"Pathetic," he muttered shaking his head.

Luna and Artemis hid in a corner of the room. "Luna," Artemis whispered, "grab the wand and run, just keep it away from Malachite."

"But what about you, Artemis?"

"I'll be okay. I'll keep ol' blondie occupied while you get away with the wand. We must keep the crystal away from the enemy."

"You're right, Artemis. Just be careful." Luna was getting ready to grab the wand and run when Malachite approached them.

"Aw, what do you have for me, kitty?" Malachite said mockingly.

Artemis jumped in between Malachite And Luna; back arched and fur on end.

"Is this really necessary? After all, look at what I did to your precious Sailors. So just give up and give me the wand."

Just then, the wand rose into the air and floated toward Malachite as if following his commands.

"Ha! The wand is evidentally smart," Malachite chuckled. But he reached out to grasp it the wand turned toward him and fired. "What the....?" were the only words Malachite could utter before he was blasted back into the wall.

Luna and Artemis watched in amazement as the wand floated over the scouts. It first passed by Darien and Mercury, then passed over Mars. The wand seemed to pause between Venus and Jupiter before finally hovering over Venus. The Sliver Crystal began to glow and engluf Venus in its light. Just like it had done to Sailor Moon, the Crystal was transforming Venus into her princess form.

Malachite regained consciousness just in time to see Princess Venus get to her feet and take possession of the wand. "No way!" Malachite exclaimed. "I'm outta here." Malachite vanished in a flash of light. Luna and Artemis could only sit and stare at Venus in her princess form, but her transformation was not yet complete. The symbol of venus glowed brightly on her forehead, but suddenly it emmitted a blinding light as a crescent moon surrounded the symbol.

Venus stood quietly with the wand held close to her heart. "Cosmic Moon-Love Healing Power!" Venus then held the wand above her head as the wand healed the other Scouts and Darien; reviving them. They slowly got to their feet and looked at Venus.

"Sailor Venus?" Jupiter gasped.

"She's in her princess form," Mars replied.

"She our new leader," stated Mercury.

Darien could do nothing but sob, "Serena, where are you?"


Finally the leader is revealed. Why Venus? I know most of you expected me to make Mercury the leader, and goodness knows I thought about it enough. The main reason that Venus became leader is because of the manga version of Sailor Moon. For those of you who have not read any of the manga when Sailor Venus first made the scene, everyone thought that she was the Moon Princess including herself. As for when she was in her Scout form she simply had the crescent moon on her forehead and not a tiara. Well enough with that, Part 6 will be coming soon so stay tuned. As usual email me with ANY comments you have. See you around!
