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Part 8

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


At the Cherry Hill Temple the Scouts were having a meeting. Outside of a room an old man, holding a tray, appeared to be lurking about until he burst into the room.

"Hello girls," he said cheerfully, "just thought you would like some coookies. Hm, seems awfully quiet in here. Where's Serena?"

"She's sick, Grandpa," Rei said abrptly. "Now could you leave us alone? We're trying to do our homework."

"Oh fine, just see if I bring you cookies again, you ungrateful brat," he said as he left the room.

"Do we really have to go through this everytime?" Rei sighed.

"Anyways," Lita said, "what did you say when Serena's mom called you, Ami?"

"I told her that Serena had fallen asleep at my house while studying. I hated lying to her, but what else could I have said?"

"Did she believe you?" Lita asked.

"She seemed to," Ami replied.

"Wow, Ames! I'm glad that she called yuo and not me, I would have froze!" exclaimed Lita.

"That's all good for the moment," Mina said, "but eventually people will want to actually see Serena. Then what'll we do?"

"I'm glad you asked that, Mina," Luna called from the door.

"Hey, Luna," Rei said, "we wondered where you were."

"I had to get something." Luna carried a small object over to Mina and dropped it in her hand.

"The Luna Pen," Lita gasped.

Mina gave Lita a puzzled look. "What's so special about this? It looks like an ordinanry pen."

"Hold it up and shout 'Disguise Power' and tell the pen what you want to be turned into," Luna explained.

"Okay." Mina held up the pen, "Disguise Power! Turn me into.......Artemis."

In a flash of light Mina was transformed into a lil white cat with a crescent moon on her forehead.

The real Artemis walked over to the transformed Mina and sat down beside her. "Well what do you guys think?" he asked.

"Remarkable!" exclaimed Ami.

"Tres cool!" said Lita.

"If I hadn't of seen Artemis walk up beside you, I wouldn't be able to tell you apart." Rei said cheerfully.

"Really?" Mina asked.

"Yes, now try transforming into Serena," Luna suggested.

"Alright." Mina sat up the best she could on her back legs, holding the pen in her front paws. "Disguise Power! Turn me into Serena." In another flash of light, Mina went from being a kitty into a teenaged girl.

When the light dimmed, no one could believe their eyes. Mina had turned into an almost exact twin of Serena. The only difference that could be noticed was the style of Mina's bang did not change.

"Do you guys think that we can pull this off?" Mina asked.

"If anyone can, you can," Artemis said.

"When are we going to do this then?"

"Today," Luna said, "right now."

"I can't do this now. What will I say" How will I act? What about the school uniform?"

"You'll be fine," Rei asured. "Just act like a total 'meatball head'."

"I brought an extra sailor suit," Ami said. "It was one that Serena had left at my house once."

"I'll bring you up to speed on how to act like Serena on the way home," Luna said.

"What about Artemis? How am I going to explain him?"

" I don't think that Serena's parents will mind a lazy lump of fur like Artemis," Luna said teasingly.

"Watch it there, kitty cat!" Artemis snapped.

"Oh, Artemis. I was only joking."

"Will someone come with me, please?"

"I will, Mina. After all you did spend the night with me last night," Ami winked and giggled. "Now it's your turn to host the slumber party."

"You mean you'll stay the night?"

"Sure, Mom's in Paris on business, and I was just going to spend another evening by myself at home."

"Oh, Ami, you're the greatest!"

"What are friends for?"

"You better go get changed now so that we can go home," Luna said.

"Sure thing, Luna!" Mina said as she headed for the bathroom.

"So what do you girls think?" Luna asked.

"I think she'll pull it off," Lita said enthusiastically.

"After this, she should get an Oscar," Rei said jokingly.

"Deffinitely!" Ami said.

Mina came out of the bathroom, "I'm ready, let's get this show on the road!"

With that said, Mina, Ami, Luna, and Artemis walked out the door.

"Good luck," Rei and Lita shouted. "You can do it!! Go for it, girl!"
~End Part 8~

Well what do you think? Can Mina pull it off? *tee-hee* I love leaving you guys hanging! It's fun! *giggles* Sorry this part was so long coming, but I was busy studying for finals. But guess what!


Anyways, I gotta get going. Watch out for Part 9, you never know when it's coming. Peace, peeps!!!

Email me your comments and ideas PLEASE!!!
