Now I have a webring too. Why? I don't know exactly why. Maybe just because I am a NET ADDICT. Oh, yes ... and a damn good one! :-)

Maybe you expect to find some rules here for submission, few boring pages with all kinds of stupid things. Not for this webring. I don't care if your site is XXX rated, or it's about racism. In few words, I don't care if it isn't suitable for children. Anyone is welcome to join!
However, here are the steps you need to take to qualify to join the ring:
     1. Copy the HTML code for the Webring Panel below. 
     2. Paste the Panel Code onto your webpage. 
     3. Copy the graphic to your site. 
     4. Edit the Panel Code in several areas (there are only 2 areas where the code has to be changed): 
  • Where you see [siteID] - replace it with your SiteID (it is emailed to you when you first sign up);
  • Where you see usernum=59832956 — do NOT change that;
  • Make sure the link to the image is correct to pull the image from your site; you can download the logo of the webring from here
  •      5. Save the changes to your site. 
         6. You will not see your site in the ring until you have been approved. Once you are done, email me at
         7. You will be notified by email once you are added. 
         8. If you have troubles, email me at

    This is what the Webring will look like on your site:
    Please don't alter the graphic in any way. You can change the colors of the text, the font and its size; you can even remove the border of the table, but don't modify the graphic. As you will probably see, I didn't specify any color for the text in this code. I will let you choose the best colors for the link and the rest of the text, to match the aspect of your site.

    NET ADDICT Webring. Join us!
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    ...and this is the code. Just copy it and paste it on your site and, then, download the logo of the webring:

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