Damn, Damn, Daaammnn!!!!

Chad loves only me, Dammit.


I really loved the movie, "2gether". I'm glad I recorded it 'cause I could watch it all day. This is the type of movie that would make me a teenybopper over somebody. I laughed all the way through it and am in love with… hold on, that's my next point.

I was recently at Jen's site ( "Just Thrust It") and read her commentary on 2gether. This aroused a question for me: WHY DOES EVERYONE LIKE CHAD!?! This is sooo frustrating! The one white guy that makes me even remotely giddy is also loved by many others. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to jump on the Chad band wagon. Better yet, I'm gonna jump in the driver's seat, 'cause only I know the shortest route to heaven, aka Chad Linus, bka Noah Bastian. **By the way, if you're reading this, Jen, I'm still gonna kill you. ~LOL~** Anyway, I guess rather than gushing about Chad this entire page, I should gush about the entire movie. **Sigh** Here goes:

Whoa… What the fuck was that all about? You notice how one of them looked like Kevin from Backstreet Boys? God, that had to have been one of the most UN-attractive boy groups I've ever seen. And they couldn't even sing… even when they were lip-synching. "Rub One Out" was kind of a catchy ass tune, though.

Under normal circumstances, I'd think Whoa was the Backstreet Boys except for a couple of things: One of the group members' names was RC Collins… kinda reminiscent of JC Chasez. Next, at the end, a girl was holding a poster with a Superman emblem on it at TRL. Weird. Still, I assume Whoa is Backstreet Boys and 2gether is 'NSync. Damn, the two names are even similar.

Bob Buss… no comment.

Whoa was a group full of cocky bastards. Hmm… now what group does that remind me of? Hint: It ain't 'NSync, that's for damn sure.

Jerry was cute, but his voice is annoying. He does his mouth all funny when he sings. And he sounds like he's yelling when does.

Lyrics: "Put your hand in mine, I will slap your sweet behind…" Classic. ~LOL~

Jerry's girlfriend was an insecure wimp. I'm like, "Don't be selfish, let the kid go after his dreams. If he cheats on you, just live with it. Don't whine and make him stay so he'll wind up resenting you for the rest of his life." Bitch.

Oh goody! Time to talk about Chad! Yeah, baby! I loved when he first started to sing all low and shy and just stopped and looked at the floor and apologized. All together now: "Awwww…." Whatta sweetheart.

I did NOT know that the guy who played Doug was Chris Farley's brother. I should have known, though. They were both all hyper and crazy.

It's too bad you couldn't see Chad fully in that speedo. Can I get a wolf howl, ladies?

Line: "Nice tush, Rochester!" I died laughing when I first heard that and just kept rewinding it and playing it over.

**Side note: I'm watching the movie now and I'm falling out laughing as I write this.**

Line: "I think this band is gonna be a kick ass opportunity for all of us. You see, I have this dream that I don't tell many people about. That's to own a SeaDu (I doubt I spelled that right), and I'm gonna get one too, 'cause I plan to make a buttload of money off of this…" Doug asks confusedly, "A buttload? How much is a buttload?" Chad rolls his eyes and replies, "A thousand dollars. I based it on the fact that one time, I fit five dollars up my butt, and not to brag or nothin', but I think I could fit way more up there. Way more." God, please stop this… I think I might honestly die laughing.

Calling the group Driving 30… how ingenious… NOT!!!

Watching Doug spaz out in that hotel room was both disturbing AND entertaining. "Pegasis!"

Chad is so cute when he does his laser noises and is all like, "I really don't think it was right to joke about the Darth Vader costumes. It's really offensive to the families of the people who have been killed by Darth Vader." **Spits out soda with laughter** Does it get any better than this? Yup, soon as you meet Mickey Parke.

Apparently, Mickey Parke got one ho and one ho only, and that's Mickey Parke. Mickey Parke is therefore a ho. **Pats self on the back** Girl, you know your Calculus!

QT… what can I say about this kid? A terminal illness? See what I mean about the writers of this movie overlapping 'NSync and BSB? Doesn’t that kind of remind you of Brian from BSB?

When QT starts making out with his hand with Mandy Moore playing in the background, I definitely decided that I had to become a famous movie screenplay writer so I could cast him in one of my movies.

According to Chad, Jermaine was waaay more important than Michael 'cause he invented the "Moonwalk", did "Thriller", AND married Lisa Marie Presley. And it's true 'cause Chad said it, dammit!

QT looked sickly… He sure is a horny kid, though. "I really liked being locked up in that room, but I wish that there were girls in there and not enough sleeping bags… so me and the girl would have to share." Then he gets all wolfish looking and is like, "And for some reason, she thought I had chiggers, so she had to check me all over… all… over." Geez, will someone please hook this kid up with someone? I'm sure Mandy Moore would love him.

Okay, can I please gush about Chad now? Of course I can!

Chad looks good all the time in this movie. He sure can sing, too. I loved him when he had his cap on backwards and is cuddling the teddy bear, getting screamed at by Bob Buss 'cause he doesn't always like his brother. What a cutie. I also drooled at the end when they were performing and he had on his sunglasses (goin' Uptown just like Lance, I see) and is lookin' all confident when he performs. Finally, I couldn't help but smile when Chad kinda pumps when he sings, "But I need a young thang to keep up with my pace…" I'm right here Chad, with your cute Caucasian ass. Lookin' at you definitely makes me crave some cream in my coffee. **Starts howling like a wolf** I just wanna take him and cradle him against my bosom. Aww yeah, ya like that, don't cha?

I'm done. Really. 'Til I write a review on their video, "Calculus"… but then again, I probably won't. I mean really, what's the point? I guess I should end this on a good note… even though the song, "Say It, Don't Spray It" is playing in the background, I'll give y'all my favorite lyrics from 2gether.

I'm losin' my hair, and my vision is shady.

Last night I dreamed of an over-weight lady.

But I need a young thang to keep up with my pace,

To hold me in her arms and take me straight to second base.

I know my Calculus… It says you plus me equals us. (Sing it Chad for me)

I know my Calculus…it says you plus me equals us.


~"U + Me = Us" as sung by 2gether

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