Crunk Baby Crunk: Get Jo' Party On!

Hey, wassup y'all! Welcome to Crunk Baby Crunk: Get Jo' Party On! This is where Tammy and Cassie (a.k.a. "Tha Sistas Who Got Everythang") are bringin' 'NSync humor for the 2G. Stick around so you can laugh, have fun, and most of all... GET JO' PARTY ON!!!!

Wondering about the name of the site? Click here !

By the way, read the disclaimer, too.

Updated on January 31st 2001.

OH BABY!!!! Lance is'a freakky deakky lil' Mississippian. Let me see ya twerk it baby!LOL! In the words of Justin 'The Human Beat Box' Timba Timba Timbalake "..don't stop til ya get freaka OW!!!", hehe.
Hey Tammy, it looks more like he's scratching himself rather than grabbing, HAHA!!!

Tammy: Pshaw! He's grabbing AND scratching. Ya gotta air out every now and then, ya know? It can get hot up there! LMAO

January 21st, 2001: Tammy updated. Yahoo. LOL Check "What's Goin' On" to know what's goin' on. By the way, to all of the people who frequent my other site, "Devil's Muse", the reason I haven't updated yet is because I'm moving all of my stuff to my VERY VERY VERY own domain and learning how to upload shit with FTP is shitty. But "The Heart Of A Killer" is done, which should make some people happy. But it won't be posted until I'm done moving all my stuff to my FTP space, which will make some people unhappy. LOL Goodbye, y'all.

January 18th, 2001: I'm back! For now. I've updated (check "What's Goin' On" as usual) and I'm glad to see that we've hit the big 24 G's! Woo-hoo! To all of my little chickadees that have been visiting my site "Devil's Muse" and reading my stories and enjoying them and sending me feedback, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I love y'all to death. And just so you know, I'm about to add "The Heart of A Killer" and "A Cabbage Patch and A Carrot Patch", so keep checking in over there. It's great to see that the ones that do go to my other site are enjoying my writing and rooting for me and supporting me and stuff. Thanks, y'all. I REALLY appreciate it. For a while I got distracted and wasn't writing too much. Not as much as I should have, anyway. But after Michael Cuccione died (you know, QT from 2gether), I started to realize that you only have one life and you shouldn't waste it. Especially if you really have a gift and you want to share it with the world. I mean, he was just so young! There's so much he won't do, ya know? So it's like, as long as I have the chance, I'm gonna work my ass off to make this writing thing pay off. So to all the people out there who support my writing and stuff, thanks. I love you guys. Peace.

January 4, 2001: Thank God that the Christmas season is over. It straight DRAINED my bank account. So yeah, Happy New Year and all that crapola. Hope your's was better than mine. But anyways, we've gone back to the original format of the site, and I just wanna say that to all my slow children out there, I put up a DISCLAIMER the first day I put up the Christmas format, and it read something like, "This page has lotsa wild fonts and stuff and is best viewed with an Internet Explorer browser and possibly an AOL one, yada yada yada. If you have any other browser it's gonna look like crap 'cause all you're gonna see is some ugly letters where little snowmen and bells should be." So WHY did I get letters saying, "Tammy, what's wrong with the site? What's up with all the letters and stuff everywhere?" Hmmm... it's nice to know that no one listens to a word I say. LOL By the way, how many of you guys have actually visited my other site? Yeah... here's the addy one more time. Y'all need to check my site out, or else y'all don't love me. Y'all do love me... right?

***COMING SOON!!!*** "'NSync 'N Church", "The Boybands' Ode To Tha Sistas", more "Opinions and Observations", and reviews of 'N Sync appearances from back in tha day (I'm talkin some REAL old school stuff here).

The Guestbook is very lonely:( Please sign it!!!!! Tammy: Yeah, before we're forced to start crackin' some skulls! Plus we'll give you a shout out!

Want the banner? Wanna unite for racial tolerance? Cool. The code is: (center)(img src="")(/center)You can adjust the height and width to whatever you find acceptable. Don't forget to change ('s to <'s!

© 1999 & 2000. All material on this site is originally made by Tammy & Cassie. If you steal sumthin without us knowing, we WILL find out. Then we'll have our good friend Big E come and smack you down with his trusty pole (trust me, you SHOULD be afraid). Comprende?

Okay, so what if people have visited the site?