Before They Were Rock Stars

Okay, if you missed this on Friday night or Sunday I feel REALLLY bad for you! If you've every seen VH1 you know that they have that show before they were rock stars or sumthin'. Well they started off by Showing the guys at Lance's high school performing. They were on a stage and in the background it said "Attache". I forget what that means. Anyways they were turned backwards and they were doing these CHEESY leg movements. And Chris was singing the lead.

You remember that Star Search thing that Justin was so embarassed about? Well I hope he doesn't find out that VH1 aired it cause he'd probably KILL someone. I certainly don't blame him. This was TOOOOOO FUNNY. I could barely even watch it cause I was LAUGHING SO HARD!!!! This is how it went. Ed McMan introduced him and he call him Justin Randall. Then you see this skinny little 11 year old in a HORRENDOUS looking shirt and a cowboy hat, with tight jeans, and some cowboy boots.LOL! Then he starts singing something about my knees are weak and he shakes his little SPAGHETTI STRING legs. I was dying! It was tooo hilarious. Then he finished his performance and he tipped his hat forward. Time for scoring. The champion was this girl and her score was a perfect 4. Then you see Justin's score and all these 3's show up (so what it was only 3 of them) and only ONE 4!!!!!HAHAHAHA!!! Okay, I know I might seem harsh but finally these ANNOYING Timberlake Teenyboppers can realize that Justin ISN'T PERFECT!!! ANd besides, teasing Justin always brightens my day!!!! Anyways Justin total score was 3.25, which technically can be rounded down to just 3. That means the girl who won, won by .75 which can be rounded to 1. So that means that Justin loss by 1 point, which doen's really seem like a lot but considering the fact that the highest score is only a 4... After that I cannot seem to not look at picture of Justin without laughing HYSTERICALLY!!!!!WHHHHHOOOOAAAA!

Okay, I'm alright. They also showed Joey. They showed this picture of him with a long black wig and he was trying to look like Cher. Then they showed him in some movie I've never heard of called Matinee. You can't even tell that was him cause there were so many other people. And lastly they showed him as the wolfman at his Universal Studios job. You can't see his face cause his custume has a mask, but they're like dancing around, he looks kinda short.

That's all they really showed but they said they would get the rest of the guys next time! I'll be sure to add that review!

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