What's the 411 Hun?

here's the little section where i talked about news or whatever the heck i feel like sayin right now,lol=)
3/16/00*~*~*I'm sure everyone's heard some of the tracks (if not all of them) from NSA. It is just me or does everyone say that "It's Gonna Be Me" is there favorite? I mean, it's a good song and everything, but I think that "It Makes Me Ill" is my favorite. I know Tammy's rolling her eyes now, but it's a really good song. I mean a REALLY REALLY good song. I love it!!! "I'll Be Good for You" is such a sweet songJ It's so adorable. And of course "Digital Getdown" is hott I only got 3 songs left that I haven't heard yet (cuz I refused to listen to them)….Also, Tammy is probably coming back soon. She said she got an A on one of her Calculus quizzes, and her birthday is March 23!!!!…One more suggestions, if you and your friends are ever bored at school, go around tagging all the teachers boards and people's books & binders writing NSA 3/21/00. It's funny.

2/26/00*~^*~Not much news. Justin case you haven't seen a pic of Chris' new dog Korea go to Sketto.com. I don't know why they care about people taking their pictures anyway. ESPECIALLY of those hoochified clothes (i'll get into that later though). I have a question. Is the Byex3 single coming out on March 29 or not? I'm tired of the musical chairs of release dates...Also if anyone hasn't watched MTV's Millionth Video thingy watch it. There's this part during Gangsta's Paradise and Justin's like "Gangsta's Paradise really touched my heart cuz i know what it's like to be a G and not get my prop's."lol! pretty funny.

2/9/00*$*$*Today my friend Julia and i stayed after school to help decorate for our dance down in the cafeteria at out school with a buncha other 8th graders. We finish and we go upstairs and in the gym are abuncha 2nd graders doing this Jump Rope for Heart thingy. I noticed that they're playin a familiar song....HERE WE GO!!!!! So i RUN downstairs and i go "JULIA THEY'RE PLAYIN HERE WE GO!!!". We both run upstairs and we're standin by the doors dancin like the tennIeboppers we are and the other girls we're with are like "let's go in". So about 7 8th gr girls are in there dancin on the bleachers actin crazy (we were MAD hyper). So after they play HWG they play TUMH. Julia and i both SCREAM like we're at a freakin concert and they just did a thrusts or sumthin. EVERYONE turns and looks at us with that "wt*" look. So this lady's like "Do u all wanna come and sing?" so the 7 of us (J and i are the only n sync fans) and we're like "yeah!", so we're all up there singin TUMH. Some how the other girls go off and do sumthin and leave J and i standing with the mic which is a BIG no no. We're up there singing and spankin our booties in front of a buncha of 7 yrs old. Then it comes to the part with Afro Puff says "if u want me girl LET ME KNOW!". u know how he says it really loud? well, we SHRIEK it in the mic and finally the teachers kick us out,LOL!! Not only did they kick us out but they stop playin the ENTIRE cd altogether. I guess they figured if they keep playin it we wouldn't leave. Sorry, i thought this was really funny cuz basically, eventhough we are 13, we embarassed ourselves in front of everyone. especially when we screamed at the beginning of TUMH....Julia's like a closet teenIe but not ANYMORE!!!!LOL!!

2/8/00~~~~~Ok we ALL know about the three gay whores that got to meet N Sync, right? Well, apparently N Sync DIDN'T know about it and from what i hear Momma Bev wasn't havin it...AT ALL! read on (this is from the Dax Files thingies or whatever. i got it in email)...
Monday, 07-Feb-2000 14:54:49

Message: Just to let you all know that I have info from Bev that Chris knew nothing about the Undercover trio and their exploits. As a matter of fact, he has only had time to see a little of "Snowed-in" and he hasn't seen Undercover yet. I'm thinking it was an MTV decision--however, someone from the 'N Sync organization should be aware that MTV was selling sleaze using 'N Sync's name. I still say everyone who was offended by that type of programming connected to 'N Sync (knowing full well that they have a young fanbase and are marketed as a morally grounded group) should contact MTV, and the sponsors of the show, and complain about the content being irresponsible. It's apparently not even certain that those girls were real 'N Sync fans...I've read a number of reports that MTV set the whole thing up for dramatic effect and shock value. I wonder who's brilliant idea that was? Bev said she doesn't blame parents for being upset--she would have been too, if Taylor had seen it. I think there's going to be some fallout over this. I know MTV in general attracts an older audience, but if they want the revenue that these teen pop acts bring, they also must accept the responsibility for age-appropriate content.


2/7/00*^*^*I'm putting this stuff up eventhough i haven't reopened the site yet.

OK, so this is the new album cover. this is what was so SECRET and HIDDEN. OOOOOH! It's so SHOCKIN and SURPRISING! how CREATIVE!!!...enough with the sarcasm. Genius, if the album's called NO Strings Attached, WHY are u hanging ON Strings. retards. the whole puppet thing is WAY played out.

11/26/99*^*^*yea! nsync on Rosie today!!!! anyways, i illegally got some pics of nsync at the courthouse (lol, they're not illegal). i'll put them up but i don't know how long it will be before i get in trouble so enjoy while u can. the one pic it looks like that guy might be their lawyer but i'm not sayin anything cuz i don't know for sure....i was lookin at the pictures and although this whole lawsuit thingy is serious, they look really funny in they're suits and goin to court and everythang. it just makes me laugh,lol!

11/25/99*~~!!it's Thanksgiving and my turkey is burnt,lol. (j/k). to tell u a little more about Tammy, she says she not an nsync fan (but how many of us said that in the beginning?) but i think she likes Lance or sumthin. she met nsync and it's a pretty funny story but i'l let her tell u about it,lol....As u probably know, nsync when to court the other day or whatever. here's just a little article from mtv.com saying what happened (and i might get some pictures). i dunno how late i am with this. i havta go to Cuz Lance Is From Mississippi,lol.

It seems that round one of 'N Sync's legal fight with estranged manager Louis J. Pearlman goes to the boy band.

'N Sync and Pearlman were present (and dutifully ignored each other) in an Orlando courtroom on Wednesday as things got rolling in the $150 million lawsuit that BMG Entertainment and Pearlman's Trans Continental Media filed against 'N Sync and its new record label, Jive Records, last month (see "'N Sync Hit With $150 Million Lawsuit").

The boy band scored an early legal victory as Judge Ann Conway denied Pearlman's request for an injunction against 'N Sync for now and said she will be inclined to deny the injunction. According to an attorney for the group, the judge is studying the facts further, but 'N Sync for now is free to continue their recording career with Jive Records.

However, Pearlman and BMG's lawsuit against 'N Sync hasn't been thrown out, and following the hearing, both parties met with a magistrate to discuss a possible settlement.

In one strange turn of events, Pearlman's lawyer admitted that he did not know how much the ex-manager had actually made off the group, but that the figure was at least $7 million. Since 'N Sync has made only $7 million collectively, that would mean Pearlman's portion of the cut is at least 50 percent and not the one-sixth he had originally claimed.

-- Kara Manning

9/20/99**!~~i'm guessing today is the 20th.....ok, so i'm at the mall on Sat. and i buy this nsync patch that was 75% off. i didn't hear how much the lady said it came to but later on i looked at the receipt and it was only 74 cents,lol. so i was tryin to decided whether to put it on my binder or if i should put it on the back pocket of my jeans for the next concert i go to. but i decided the binder was the better idea. i OBVIOUSLY mis read the directions cause i thought it said heat the iron to 4000 or 400 degrees (one a dem) and since the iron doesn't have that i just turned it up to the 7. i waited for it to heat and i pressed it on the patch. it siad for 15-20 sec but i don't have on a watch so i just hold it till i'm totally sure it's done. then i take it off (cause i smell burning rubber,LOL!!) and the patch is nicely attached to my binder. untill i decided to TOUCH it. i noticed that my binder is MELTED and DEFORMED (lol!!). and to top it all off i can see this big iron print on my binder eventhough my freakin binder is black,lol...just an interesting story i thought u'd like to know...i'm in the process of tryin to get my site together cause i've been noticin that nsync humor pages are being discontinued (not ALL but some). and just to let u peoples know, untill i SAY that i'm done with my site,i'm not. i may not update in a month or sumthin but that doesn't mean i'm done with the page. k? ok :)
8/1/99*^^~~^Happy August 1st or whatever!...I went ot the mall to pick up my *FRIENDS* (3rd Storee...yes i AM in love with them,lol.) single and i've listened to it about over atleast 60 times in a row,lol (hey! this is da bomb song). U should get it so MAYBE u'll know at least ONE of their songs before u see them with nSync....Oh yeah! most of yall know but if u don't the Disney Channel gonna have an MMC marathon on Sept 5 (i think) from 12 noon to 8 pm. I don't know about yall but i'm readdy to see my Tevin Campbell song that Justin, Tate, RICKY, and those other two LOSERS sang. I also can't wait to see when Justin was Pig Boy and Brittany tried to stab him with a fork,LOL!!!!!! Yes u heard me right,lol!.....I forgot to say that i heard Music of My Heart last week. What do i think of it? it's ok. it's ur usual nSync song where JC and Justin sing. nuthin special except Gloria Estefan (sp?) sings with them...... I have more girlfriend pics to show you peoples so come back later in the week and u might see some up.

7/31/99!!*^~Wow! it's the last day of July already?..okay. i just wanna tell yall how i was ABRUPTLY DISTURBED last Tuesday Morning when my sister woke me up by yelling "CASSIE! OH MY GOSH!". i'm up here thinkin it's actually sumthin important like UDMC came on for some reason. But i get downstairs and what do i see? LFO's video "Summer Girls". I can't STAND them nor that song. Yeah when it comes on the radio i listen do it and sing but believe i REALLY don't like them. i don't know WHAT the world is coming to. All these Pop singers and groups are startin to come out and it's just NASTY. they have their ONE little song that everyone likes. but u KNOW when that second song comes out no one will like it... I need to just go back to listening to more of my hip-hop and r&b stations so i don't have to hear some STUPID CORNY line such as "put a smile on your face, make the world a better place"(haha!). Or have to hear about someone missin somebody like CANDY(lol)? what is that? then everyone i see on trl has their crusty Moffats sign. I've seen one of their videos on Much Music and EW! I HATE them. Especially the loser one (lol! which ons is that). Now i'll be able to focus on other groups that i'd enjoy more such as my new friends, 3rd Storee (by the way if u've seen them in concert with nSync and want to see their video, u need to watch The Box if u get that station or BET cause mtv is rather deprivingish towards some of the r&b videos. i've haven't seen Whitney Houstons new video. i still see the old one)....Okay i'll stop complaining...remember to vote for N Sync for the Video Music Awards. i'm not very confident in them winning.
7/5/99*^!^*OH MY GOSH!!!! When's the last time i've updated this section? ANYWAYS (u probably guessed i way gonna say that). I saw Christina Aguilera's video. As u all know she is on my Watch Yo' Back list. But believe it or not i REALLY like her song. I ALWAYS have to dance to it. I do think that her voice is better than Britney's. But i do have to agree with Portia when she said "No matter HOW many African's u have backing u up DOESN'T mean that u can dance". Now all i'm waiting for is everytime to bring up how she was on MMC with JC, Justin, AND Brittany. Oh! I can't wait. (i'm sarcastic)...Portia has wrote two of thw White Chocolate stories for me. Lemme tell you, they are VERY FUNNY. Portia has the STRANGEST humor I have EVER seen, but that's why it is SOOOOO funny.....I come back from LA and I hear that I won't be able to see my boy *JA* da Fifth Element at my concert. Instead I get to see Suga Hill Gang. HOW they hooked up with N Sync to go on tour with them I will NEVER know. SUgar Hill Gang OB-VI-OUS-LY had NOTHING better to do than to go on tour with them. But when JC was on the radio here in MD he was saying how they got to go on stage with Sugar Hill Gang and the guys were saying how their kids liked N Sync's music. So i guess the rest is history. Come back later to read more 411...hun!lol!

5/31/99*~!^*~Guess what I got on Saturday? C NOTE's CD!!!!!!!!! It's REALLY good you peoples! You have to get it! "I Like" is the tightest song! I LOVE IT!! If you didn't see them on Rosie I feel bad for you. It was a BOMB performance! Lots of pelvic thrusts! (I surely remember getting hit in the eye,lol.) Anyways buy it or I'ma COME AFTER YOU! I'm still working on getting that page together for you all. I talked to my friend Rachael who lives in Cali for the first time the other day. But SOMEONE didn't get a phone card so they have a NICE BIG phone bill (poor Rach). School is ALMOST over. About two weeks so I PROMISE LOTS of updates for the summer!

5/20/99^!^!^WHOA! Finally I update this section. Everyone knows the bsb album dropped on Tuesday (if you didn't you are a RETARD!). It's not that bad. It's kinda scary how it sold a half a million copies on the first day. But there's gonna be the same hype when N Sync's second album comes out. Everyone starting to notice the hoppy teenyboppers? You know the ones that hop from one group to another, whose ever has a new single or video or is on the cover of BOP. I mean I'm seeing girls that who wrote N Sync rules all over their binder saying "N Sync SUCKS! BSB is sooooo much better!". It's like your the one that needs to realize that. It's sooooo annoying! Hey guess whose cd comes out on Tuesday? C NOTE!!!!!!!! Yes, I'm very excited cause I'm gonna get to hear my Spanish Flies song and my I Like song. Peoples PLEASE go out and buy the poor boys cd! Also they're coming on Rosie on Tuesday too, so now you get a double dose! Between now and Tuesday the 25th I'm gonna try and put up my C Note info to try and fully convince you people to buy the darn cd. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this turn into a C Note humor page too cause I KNOW i'm gonna joke about them ALL THE TIME!(espcially BOR-RODY!) That's all for now!

5/6/99^*^*I'm sure everyone saw the Brittany Queers video on trl. If you didn't, you didn't miss anything special. Okay, can ANYONE tell me what in the WORLD could have caused her to twist her knee?!?!?!? I mean, she BARELY did any dancing in it. It was just a cover up for the breast implant surgery. If you got the new TeenPeople you will notice Justin ALL OVER the sista (not surprising). Someone tell me WHY Dru Hill wasn't in there? They're only 20!.....Okay I know I said I've been working on a qnote section for my site, but I honestly haven't done JACK! Oh well! But I WILL eventually add something about them, but it's just gonna be info that I'm gonna STEAL from cnote.com. Their single is still only $2 at Sam Goody or Musicland. Speaking of Sam Goody, I was there today and I saw that SCARY shirt with Justin's face on it, so I kicked it a COUPLE of times,LOL! Then I bought my photo card thingys and left. I opened them I get two of the SAME pictures I already have and they're of JUSTIN. But I did get my BOOTAY ACTION picture. Man all I want is this one picture of Chris and I WON'T buy ANYMORE. I have half the collection.... About the updates. It's still the school year so things are gonna be slow still. And like the teachers always say the work gets harder towards the end of the year cause everybody's slacking off (I sure am!) I only have like 29 days of school left. I get out June 17! So when it's summer things will move more smoother since the only thing I'm gonna be doing is track. N Sync on Oprah tommorow!

4/29/99!^~*^Anyone who gets TeenPeople BEWARE!!!! Two TRIFLING people are on the cover! Don't forget the Kids Choice Awards are coming on tomorrow! Try and vote for N Sync if you haven't cause I PRAY the Whackstreet Boys DO NOT win! UGHHHHH, that'd be awful!

4/25/99~*~*~Seems like for ever since I've updated this section. Well, I heard from my Q-NOTE boys again. I heard that they might be on Rosie on Monday but I'm not really sure. If it does come on PLEASE watch it. They're not that bad (other than the frequent referals to SEX in their songs...SPANISH FLIES?!). Besides they need fans,(lol!). I didn't hear much info, I was reading a teenybopper and it said that N Sync might do a song with Brittany. I don't believe it (atleast I don't want to), cause teenyboppers give whack info anyways... Check in l8ter!

4/17/99*~^~*I SAW MMC!!!!!! Actually it wasn't quite when they started calling it MMC, that was when Justin was on it, and like I said he wasn't in those episodes. I'll put a review up for it probably tomorrow. Did anyone see VH1 on Friday? TOOOOOOO FUNNY! They showed Justin on Star Search! Now I see why he was so embarassed!LOL! I'll add the review for that tomorrow too. I have more good news! Since I visited Portia on Friday I got the rest of the Fanatic story and I'll add that sometime during the week. I also might add Encounters of the Non-N Sync Kind, cause Portia and I had a really funny conversation with her mother. I know some of you are still wondering about One Fine Day and the other up coming stuff. Well One Fine Day, I wrote the first part but I have to re-write it again in dialogue form and finish it. Then Psychic Sista Bonitiqua really hasn't even been written yet. I still in the process of coming up with ideas. I kinda wrote one but I need to finish it. So don't expect that anytime this month. Then Adventures of the White Chocolate Boys, definately won't be out untill May. I have what each of the Adventures are gonna be about, but I haven't exactly written them. Fanatic *UNCENSORED* is being written by Portia and she has already started that but that won't be out till later. The other stuff I'll add when I feel like doing it. I'm not sure when that will be but not too long from now (i hope)!Bye!

4/15/99~*^*~Has everyone heard the news about Brittany getting her FAKE BOOBS?!?!? Well believe it cause it's true. My girl Rachael sent me like 3 emails with proof that she did not to mention I heard something about on the radio. All I have to say is "she's SLUT, she's a WHORE, she's a FREAK, Wants JRT everyday of the week..". She's SOOOO SORRY! Can't she understand that Justin will NEVER want her???... Anyways seems like I'm the only person in the world who didn't know N Sync was on Jay Leno but I heard they might re-air it on Friday, I'm not sure. That's all I have for now! Come back later!

4/11/99^*~*^Once again Chris and I had to reschedule the wedding. But I promise we will get married next weekend! I am very excited cause Portia finally found her tapes that she taped the Mickey Mouse Club. Five words, JC RAPPING ON A TRACKTOR!!!! I didn't get to see it but I heard it! I can't wait till Friday until I go over her house and see it. I'll be sure to put a review up. Justin isn't in those episodes so, OH WELL. But Tony, Dale, JC, and Ricky are!!!*sigh*! I finally got my pictures from Disney World back, but the disk they came on, I can't seem to get the file for hte pictures. I'm not sure when they will be up. I promise to add something tomorrow since I didn't updates since the 7th so comeback soon!!!

4/7/99~~~~Okay, If you didn't see trl today N Sync was #1 but, they showed "exclusive tourdates" for the Brittany Queers summer tour. Now these dates are gonna be in July and August like the boys of summer tour. Come on Brittany, who do you think is gonna actually want to come to your SORRY PATHETIC concert when they could be watching N Sync. Nevermind, some of the those hormonic little 12 and 13 year old boys. Think about it, would you rather see Jordan Knight grovin' around with his tight dance moves to "Give It To You", hear Abs and J lacin' the stage with their phat rhymes, and see Justin in a tanktop. Or would you rather hear Brittany squeal and crack her voice while standing still on the stage? My point exactly!.... I'm listening to B104 or Z102 (j/k it's Z104) and I hear the new Whackstreet Boys song. Six words for ya, as long as you love me. That's what it sounded like cause of the guitar in the background. But get this, they give KEVIN A SOLO!!! Wow! Maybe we can work on N Sync so they'll give Joey more solos, maybe even Lance! And for some strange reason they give the FOR-REAK ACCIDENT another solo. EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Speaking of solos, Z104 also played the Thinking of You song. It sounds more R&B (something that bsb will NEVER be!) than IDMC. It's really nice but I missed hearing *CHRIS'* lovely solo in the beginning.....Come back tomorrow and I'll have something new up! I'm out!!

4/5/99****My mom found a new picture place so the pics from WDW may be up by Friday or Saturday!....Since I'm probably not gonna write a review for fanatic here's what I think. They, I guess had a better reason for coming on than Justina did, but there's nothing more disgusting to me than a buncha 22 year old teenyboppers. As you can tell yes I am jealous that I didn't get picked, eventhough I never sent a tape cause I was gonna wait till this summer. And it looks like someone taught Justin some MANNERS!! if ya know what I mean. It wasn't that bad but I honestly think Portia and I would have been a whole lot more exciting....Unfortunately I have a science report due on Wednesday and I start track practice ( i gotta throw 100ft in the discus!) so I'm not sure when I'll be able to update. I made just add more 411 so still check in. Peace!!!

4/4/99^^^^Sorry but unfortunately Chris and I had to reschedule the wedding till next Sunday! And it turns out that my inside source was wrong about the MMC thing. It's only re airing in on the Canadian Fox Family so oh well, we were close. And I have some good news and some bad news about my 'N Sync Scavenger Hunt at Disney World. I have more news but I'll add it later today when I can remember it!
^^^^SLAM DUNK THA FUNK, TURN IT UP!!!!!! Okay I'm back again! Can you guess who I just heard? It turns out that it takes almost 2 weeks to get pictures on CDrom so I don't know when I'll be able to have the scavenger hunt pictures up. Okay so I'm listen to my Q-Note single and I forgot what the second song is, but I'm listening to it and someone sounds a WHOLE LOT like Chris. I think it was BOR-RODY. Then I listening to it and I realize they sound like Color Me Bad or someone like that I don't know. That David guy's voice sounds nasty! I'm beginning to think that I'm the only one who has bought their 2 dolla dolla bills y'all single. If anyone else bought it tell me!Oh yeah someone left an unecessary comment in my Dreambook a couple days ago. I erased it but I'll have my comments on that later. And I have to say thanks to Rachael for answering the is it just me thing, Michelle for telling me about about the hands prints, and JUSTIN17LV (I don't think she told me her name) about the Drop Em thing! More 411 later!!

Giddy Up (whatever that means!)