No Strings Attached Pics

No Strings Attached Pics

Well, i someone told me where to find some behind the scenes pics from the photo shoot for the new album. Since i'm SOOO NICE i took the pics from the place and put them on my site. but just to let yall know i got them from enjoy!

the photoshoot is at some factory in LA. why u ask? i dunno either.

LOL! Dang boy!!! u got some SMALL legs,LOL!.

there's Lance (obviously), my buddy Lonnie in the background, and the lady's head that's in the way is Melinda. I've heard she's mean. I think she's the tour manager or sumthin.

awww! there's the ghetto cowboy, just chillin.

Joey with make up and hair artist

Goodness boy! what happened to jo' shirt????? he was probably just....nevermind,lol. he looks so cold and........naked!lol!!!

here's Steve and JC playin pingpong

My gracious! is u constipated or sumthin? eventhough ur a Homie G Wannabe u STILL need to eat ur prunes Justy!!lol!

Joey gettin his pants hemed(sp?).

I guess the pics will look nice. But after they get done with the AIR BRUSHING the pics who KNOWS what they will look like,lol. I'm still not sure about some of the wardrobe but unfortunately that is one of their MAJOR weakness,lol.
oooooh! Joey has NICE arms!!!