Justin: On the Road Of Piltness

Well, first of all I'm SURE 10 out of 10 people are asking WHAT in the WORLD does Pilt mean. Here's Portia and I's definition: Pilt is Justin, Justin is Pilt. Get the PICTURE? As a matter of factly, Justin is the a-pilt-a-me of piltness. For those of u who STILL don't get what i'm sayin here are some picture examples of Justin being his usual pilt self. Believe me, these WERE easy to find since according to Portia EVERY picture of Justin is pilt,lol.

I'm sure u all have seen this picture before on my site but your gonna see it again cause it is a PERFECT example of how Justin is pilt. I mean, look at that. Ju'NO that is his ONLY move. I guess Bugaloo and Shabadoo are gonna have to show him some new moves,LOL!(inside joke,lol)

Ew. What is this about. Justin sweetie, the basketball is NOT a freakin lollipop so put jo' freakin' tongue back in your jo' freakin' mouth, k?

Most of you all probably THINK that this is a good picture, but...well...IT'S NOT!!! I mean da goodness. WHY is he singing under the waterfall??? Is he to good to NOT be under the waterfall like everyone else. Nevermind, he's excused. When u have such a high level of piltness u do think that. NEXT!

Once again. A lot of y'all like this pic cause he's not wearing a shirt. First of all i have to say is he looks abnormally pale like he is suffering from hypothermia (LOL!) so he needs ta just PUT ON A SHIRT!!! Second of all, WHERE IZ JO' MAMA??? How could she let such PILTNESS be exposed like dat?

OH! Dere's his mama. She has to explain to him how pilt he is.

Moving on to the ghettononymous picture. Unfortunately i KNOW that some of u all ACTUALLY thinks he looks ghetto!LOL!! The Pilt Wannabe Negro ACTUALLY look GHETTO? NEVER!!! Chris looks the most ghetto in the ghettononymous picture. The only thing that Justin looks is LOST!lol!

First of all, i need to catch my breath from HYSTERICALLY LAUGHING at this picture. Who said that we wanted to see THAT much of a close up of his nasty, pilt behind? My GOSH! It's still fun to look at.

This is actually a nice picture. He looks nicely tanned and ery'thang, BUT, the hands, I've seen LOTS of picture with him doing that with his hands. He obviously thinks it looks hip hop enphatjuwaded, but it doesn't surprise me thus the nickname Pilt Negro.

okay, now that i have gotten off the floor from craking up and the cramp in my side is gone, ican say this is the PRIME example of why Justin is pilt.(it's even funnier when u watch it. everyone's riding all GRACEFULLY, then u look at the right side of the screen and Justin and his PILT self all falls... ABRUPTLY... and hits the sand rather hard). Therefore i can't really comment to much since it's speaks for itself.

Don't worry, i know that ju peoples still don't know what pilt means. That's the whole point of it. Pilt is a word Portia made up SPECIFICALLY to describe Justin cause we couldn't think of a word that could characterize all his characteristics into one word. I've also decided to come up with a contest to see who can come up with the BEST definition for pilt. It has to be approved by Portia and I. The winner gets...well....i don't know yet but i'll try to think of sumthin. It might be that u get to write sumthin for my page but that's NOT positive. So get your little brains thinking!

Oh my gosh Cassie! Those pictures are TOO pilt for me!