God Bless the Billboards...

"As you all know...we LOVE women!"


No shit? And here I thought y'all were gay. There is a God. Okay, let me start this off right. I'm not one of those people who will distress about what the boys wear, 'cause quite frankly, I don't care. As I was telling Jen ("Just Thrust It") after the awards, they looked like a recycled version of "Larger Than Life". I just wonder if they have ANY say in what they wear. I like to think not. I mean, no one can dress that badly.

Four words: Meat and Cheesy Boys. Man, at first I thought they were making fun of ALL the pop boy groups, but after they did the leg kick, I said, "Okay, this is so reminiscent of 'Tearin' Up My Heart'." Then, I noticed that one of the boys looked exactly like Justin!! Oh geez. Then I saw one that looked like Joey… then Lance… then Chris!! Was I not on the floor rollin'? Also, when they said, "When I say 'meat', you say 'cheese'," I was secretly chanting, " 'N… Sync! 'N… Sync!" Hahahaha!!! I think 'NSync was cool about it, though. My theory on why the Meat and Cheesy Boys were more in the image of 'NSync? Think "Blink 182", and you'll have it all. Blink 182 supposedly was making fun of 'NSync in the video "All The Small Things", but no one realized it (but me) J . Remember the part when the guys' shirts are blowing in the wind, and the camera zooms out and they're on the toilet? Rumor has it that's supposed to be "Tearin' Up My Heart"... only no one got it. So Blink decides that there's no way they're gonna let 'NSync get off thinkin' they're too cool to be made fun of, so they arrange the whole Meat and Cheesy interlude. Good job, Blink 182! (This is of course a complete lie, but I can dream can't I?)

Okay, when 'NSync comes out and does their whole shpeel about how they love beautiful women (oh, gag me), doesn't JC look oh so happy to announce Britney Spears' name? It's like, he's reading her name, but he's clearly thinking, "Britney Spears?! How the hell did she win?" Then, when she comes up, if you look closely, you'll notice that she's only acknowledging Joey and Chris' presence. Justin just glances at her and steps back, for once NOT wanting to be in the spotlight (speaking of which, was it REALLY necessary for him to tap dance while JC was reading the winner?). I really wish I had taped this, though, 'cause I would give my right arm to know what in the world JC and Justin were saying behind her back. (**To all you 'NSync fans, I'm gonna tell you this once, and only once. If you wanna see some truly interesting stuff, look to the background...it's always like watching a shortened version of "The Unedited Top 40"...~LOL~) If you look behind Britney, you'll see Justin and JC looking at her and laughing at everything she says. Here's what I think the conversation went like:

JC: (laughing to himself) God, she's such a dumbass.

Justin: Yeah, I know. But I can forgive her...

JC: How?

Justin: (looking down at her ass) Just look at all that junk in the trunk!

JC: (smiles) Hey Justin, you gonna hit that booty one more time?

Justin: Was there ever any doubt?

On the part where Britney is thanking the Lord, JC whispers something in Jusin's ear.

JC: God, she's so fake. When was the last time she's been to church? Prayed? Or even said the word "God" and not followed it with the word "damn"?

Justin: Yeah, the average pseudo-Christian thanks God first, then the record labels, then the fans. Dumb bitch.

So that was the Billboards, atleast what you rabid 'NSync fans wanted to know. I left out the part about Juvenile ROCKIN' the awards with "Back Dat Thang Up", and DMX receiving a standing ovation with his prayer. That's what I'm talkin' about! Hip-hop artists representin' like they should.

** On another note, I am probably the only girl in the WORLD who enjoyed Britney Spears' performance… I've always said this, and I'll say it again: her and 'NSync do make some good ass remixes of their songs. I really loved the performance they gave at the VMA's, even though many did not. I just really like when people can take something old, spice it up, and have it sound decent. Even if 'NSync DID perform "Tearin' Up My Heart" for the 445,878,333,998th time, I liked the whole step routine. They really blew the Buttstreet Boys out of the water with that one in my opinion. BSB did the black fraternities NO justice with that wack ass rendition of "Larger Than Life"… atleast 'NSync knew how to breakdance somewhat… Now, back to Britney at the Billboards. I really could have done without her, "I came in the door, I said it before…" rap, but as for all the rest of it, I really dug it. She may not be able to dance in the clubs, but she sure can dance on stage. That is all.

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