Put Jo' Paws Where My Eyes Can See

My girl Rachael sent me these pictures of Busta, so I have NO CLUE what site they came from. If I find out I will definately give the person credit. Enjoy!

AWWWWWWWW!!! He's toooooooo cute! Oh yeah, the dog is too!j/k..lol!

Here's kinda a close up of Busta. AWWWWWWWW! This dog is too adorable!

Okay, I know I was supposed to be showing pictures of the dog but I couldn't resist! His eyes were saying "Cassie you KNOW you want a close up of me! I'm toooooo irresistable!"lol!

This is just a smaller version incase you wanted one for your site.

That's all I have but I'll try to look for more or sumthin'.