Celebrity Deathmatch:

Good Fight, Good Night!!

Okay, probably I along with every other person in the world has seen the Halloween Celebrity Deathmatch with 'NSYNC. But I still wanna right a little somethin' somethin' about the match. First, I would like to say that I got a real kick outta this match up. 'NSYNC vs. KISS? Does it get any better? Nope. Not even when the BackStreet Buttheads fought the Beastie Boys was I so amused. But let me get on with the review.

First of all, this is supposed to be some kind of a costume fight, in which KISS looked like... well... KISS, complete with the hair, make-up, and long ass tongues. Here's the kicker: 'NSYNC came out with costumes, too! Only these costumes weren't too scary. Joey was dressed as a pirate, Lance as a bum, Justin as a clown (that for some reason had on a wife beater, go figure), and JC and Chris were dressed as a donkey. Chris was the ass, I mean, the back half of the donkey. (Hehehehe....)

The biggest highlight for me? Definitely the fact that JC got killed before the fight even started. KISS got off on a technicality, though. "Four on four; that's a clean fight in my book." Okay, everyone pairs off, and Joey immediately slashes off Jean Simmons' arm. The funniest thing was the way 'NSYNC talked, though. Joey goes, "Arrrghh! Sorry old dude, but rock is dead, and so are you!" He sounded like a friggin' surfer. ~LOL~ On another note, Peter Chris of KISS was kickin' Chris Kirkpatrick's ass...LITERALLY. Chris' feeble calls for help ("Guys, somebody help me!") kept me on the floor laughing. So then, Jean Simmons slaps Joey with his tongue, and since Jean Simmons wasn't a hot chick, Joey didn't like it too much. What did he do? Well, he hacked off Jean's other arm. Go Joey!!!

So it cuts back to Chris who is getting seriously pounded like he's Peter Chris' bitch. Peter Chris jumps on the rail to try to jump off of it and smush Chris, but he lost his balance and fell, cracking his had on the hard steps underneath the ring. KISS now has 3 members, 'NSYNC has 4.

Here's where the fight starts to get really cool. Lance was seriously givin' it to Paul Stanley. You know how the bums have a scarf tied to a stick where they keep all of their belongings? Well, Lance had one of those and was beating the crap out of Paul. He too talked like a surfer; the only difference is, he let the crazy, violent Lance come out. "Hey Grandpa! Betcha didn't know this thing was full of rocks! (hit) Huh? (hit) Didja? (hit) Didja? (hit) No!" Then he laughs crazily. Yeah Lance! Show 'em how to get tough on some bitch ass! So then, Paul retaliates and says, "It's my turn to rock, peewee! I got a surprise for y'all tonight. I'm gonna slice up this hobo like a loaf at Hannukah!" **Note: The first time I watched this, I honestly thought Paul Stanley said "Homo", not "Hobo"... ~LMAO~*** Unfortunately, he uses his laser eye to slice up Lance like a dill pickle.

So Justin tries to get all G-child and regulate on somebody, but every punch he threw got blocked and he eventually got balled up like a basketball. Closest he'll ever get to havin' b-ball skills if you ask me. So anyway, Jean Simmons not only Super Power Slammed Justin onto the canvas (and flattened him like a pancake), but he also pulled out his guitar and completely lights Justin's ass up. So now it's 3 KISS members and 2 NSYNCers. Hmmm...since 3 of the 5 guys got killed by being blasted with lasers of some sort, I wonder if they would ever consider changing the song from "Tearin' Up My Heart" to "Burning Up My Heart"? I guess they'll figure that one out "If Only Through Heaven's Eyes"...Okay, okay, that was low. "IOTHE" is truly a beautiful song.

Okay, cut back to Joey and Jean Simmons. Joey gets tired of the games and chops off Joey's leg. Unfortunately, Ace of KISS smacks Joey with his guitar (only after kicking him in the family jewels...OUCH!!!) and Joey flies out of the ring. But Chris comes back and throws Ace God knows where and says, "Jean, how would you like to go for a ride?" He then goes to attach clown Justin's balloons to Jean, but Jean blows fire out of his mouth. Chris ducks, so the fire kills Paul Stanley. Chris ties the balloon around Jean's tongue, and off he flies. **One more note: Nick Diamond and Johnny Gomez give 'NSYNC some serious props about their fighting skills, but totally kill it by saying, "Not bad for a bunch of ex-Mouseketeers." Exactly what I was thinkin' Nick!**

Finally, Chris goes head to head with Ace, who tries to zap him with his guitar, which won't work. Chris laughs at him as he pounds his guitar on the canvas, which 'causes a beam to come out of it. The result? The beam pops the balloons Jean was tied to and he plummets back to the earth, smashing Chris into nothingness. KISS wins.

The only problem I had with this fact was that they didn't show Joey dying, so technically he didn't die... Wouldn't that mean MTV once again cheated 'NSYNC out of a well deserved victory? **cough**Viewers Choice Award**cough**






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