Charity Basketball Game

Ok, im sure most of u have seen the little clips that they showed on mtv of this game. So here’s my whole take on this thing.

First of this whole thing was just straight up GHETTO!!!!!!! My goodness it was ghetto. I was noticin how much blackness (Justin NOT included!lol) was up in there. Well, it was in Atlanta, and black folks be up in there ALL THE TIME. Not to mention u know how the guys act when they are around a different “culture” (LOL!). I mean for goodness sake the blackness even spread to LANCE. If u notice when John Norris was talkin to Chris u can hear “Can I Get A” and if u look and Lance u see tryin to bounce or sumthin. and it look like had a LITTLE bit of rhythm. See Lance needs to be around black peoples more often, LOL!! Justin on the other hand. He needs to just stay away from us cause he’d end up makin a three letter word out of himself. Wait a minute! He ALREADY has! “...Timberlake! who did jo’ hair?...Jo’ momma!...WOW! THAT’S creative! Nobody uses THAT one anymore!”HAHA!...Anyways....

Chris....Chris has problems and needs to get himself checked. Why he was so happy and everything, I do not know nor do I want to cause i’m SURE it was sumthin he DID with a certain DOG SITTER. nevermind. I don’t EVEN want to get into it........I do feel a little sorry for his team cause the other team was pretty “stacked”. Chris was like “well we have Lance..” and him and JC seemed VERY disappointed,lol! (I don’t blame them,haha!). and they had 95 South (ghetto!). but i’m not sure of their skills. and Johnny Wright. UGH! I don’t even wanna start with his behind. But Kobe was their coach.

Justin’s team on the other hand. I mean, NOT Justin’s team but the Knights. they had some skillzzzzz up on that team. They had Brian McKnight and if u’ve saw him on Rock n Jock (NO! not the one with N Sync. the one before that) u know that he can shoot. They also had Mase. I’m sure most of u don’t know but Mase is a baller and he can REALLY play. Yeah he talks jacked up (most basketball do,lol) but OBVIOUSLY his skillzzzz aren’t.

Obviously, the Knight won the game. and at the end when Justin was giving his little speech while he was surronded by his “posse”, all I have to say is he needed to just be shot right then and there. I mean I would’ve done it myself,lol. I had my 9 millimeter waitin,LOL! (i’m just kidding! even justin doesn’t even deserve to be shot). And in the background u can see this brotha tryin to get in the camera. then he flashes his little gang sign. HAHA!!!! Too hilarious!!! and ghetto,lol!

Overall, from the clips it looked VERY enjoyable. and from the looks of it I COULD’VE and SHOULD’VE been there. Oh well. :P

don't feel bad. i missed it too.