My First, Last, and ONLY N Sync Concert

Okay, on Friday July 23,1999, me, My sister Lauren, my friend Portia, my mom, my two cousins, and my aunt and uncle went to Hershey,PA. My cousins and aunt &uncle weren't goin to the concert. they were just goin to Hershey Park...anyways, we were supposed to leave the house at 1pm but we didn't leave untill about 4:38pm cuz my mom had to get the rental car. in the meantime, I had told Portia that i had come up with a plan to get backstage. I had to find my buddy Lonnie (the bodyguard) and i was gonna run up to him and say "Daddy! Daddy! Are u my poppa?" LOL!!!! See., i was gonna pretend i was his long lost daughter,hehe. I didn't really think i would work but it would still be funny to see his reaction,lol...THen my mom comes home i was gettin all my nsync cd's when i realized i did't have my US album. i checked my mom's car and it wasn't there and i was about to go hysterical cause i didn't remember where it was but i went back in the house and it was in my messy dresser, then we left.

First we listened to the US cd. Then we listened to the Christmas cd. THen UNFORTUNATELY i was FORCED to listen to the Y2K cd (Millenium) cause Portia wanted to. And by then we were about 10mi from Hershey. I While we were driving these nasty tennies in the car in front of us put up this sign in the back of their car. Then my sister said it said sumthin about Nsync so i held up the Euro cd. And they waved and what not. THen we were driving and this car that passed by had this sign saying "Honk if u love nsync". Can u say UNORIGINAL?!?! I waved to them, but my uncle was driving and he surely wasn't gonna honk,lol

Soon enough we got to Hershey Park and were drivin towards the Stadium and there were bunches of people standin in line all over everywhere waiting to get in. We got to the lot and Portia and i had to change in the van. Portia and her ghetto-self is so strange. She wore this orange fubu shirt and some white overalls. But she just left the overalls hangin down half way off her behind so u could see her boxers. then she was wearing her trunk jewlery and some blue glasses. Not to mention her hair is BRIGHT red if u look at it in the light,lol. I was wearing my 6 chris necklaces around my wrist (j/k. i only have 2)..By the time we were down changing we heard someone say that Mandy Moore was comin out, but we weren't inside yet. ... It took us about 5min to figure out where the line was cause it was soooo long, so we went to get our programs, which by the way were $15 freakin dollars. We were still in line and then Trey D came out, but we still didn't see him. We got up to security and they had to all check my mom's purse, and she couldn't take the camera in so they made her use ALL the pictures up before she could get in. FORTUNATELY my sister was able to sneak in Portia's camera. I also noticed that security was taking all those stupid signs (thank goodness).

We had to go to the bathroom and when we came out 3rd Storee was performing. So we hurried to our row 13 seats. It wasn't really row 13 if u count the 5 to 10 rows of floor seats but they were still good. they were off the the right side though lemme tell u. 3rd Storee is VERY FINE!!!! and they can dance VERY WELL (not surprising). I got there justin time (lol) to hear them sing their song "If Ever". THen they did this song with the little dance with the backpacks and the one (Kevonte) took off his shirt. WWWWOOOAAAHHH!!!!!!!! He looked VERY good! I was screamin and my mom looked at me. THey did a good job....THen Sugar Hill gang came out. I forget what they did first. All i remember is they said thank u for makin these songs #1. Then the DJ played Eminem, Puffy and some other people and people where lookin at us cause we knew ALL the words to the different songs and they were jealous,lol. then blah, blah. THey did "Rappers Delight" and i was followin with them and the words till they got to the 2nd verse and iwas gone. I noticed one of the boys from 3rd Storee was comin out from backstage with NO security at all and some people were askin for hugs and stuff. Then ANOTHER one came out so P and i decided we should take a pic with them. We went over and there were these other girls waiting too, but he told us wait till Sugar Hill was done cause it would be rude. When they finished a buncha other girls came over to him to take a pic and stuff but he said to us "i'ma come back to y'all, cuz y'all wuz here first"(he was the one with the white hat,D-Smoove). So we took a pic with him and he was really sweet (and FINE!). WE went to the other one (Kevonte) and we were gonna take a pic but the guy said they have to go soon, so Portia ran up to him to take a pic but i had to take it since there was no one else there. and he left before i could take one ( the way this was the one that took off his shirt, so i was REAL disappointed,lol). If u get a chance to meet them, they're really nice. Just don't go up to them tryin to make a convo and then ask them to take u backstage. We heard some girls ask that and that was just WRONG.... We went back to our seats and sat for a while. then i kinda saw Joey walk by backstage and i go "OH MY GOSH! It's JOEY!" and a buncha people looked at me. then the girl in front of us asks "is this u're first concert?" i told her yeah and she said it was her second. she was wearin this Justin necklace. i was still kinda freaked out about seein Joey and all the sudden u hear this LOUD screamin cause JC walks by. but the meanie didn't even wave...we sat more and saw the 2 other guys from 3rd Storee. we went to go get pics with them. One kinda had curly hair like Justin's (his name is Jay-R) and P and i took a pic with him together. Then we went to go to Lil Man and he is SOOOOO ADORABLE!!! THe guy said that they had to leave soon again so I took Portia's picture and i was about to get mine with him but the manager guy asked him to sign this autograph and the pen wasn't workin so he got a little mad and he accidently ripped a whole in the piece of cardboard cause he was writing to hard,LOL! I took my picture and he leaned his head next to mine *sigh*. They're so cute! they're my new boyfriends,hehe....Jordan came out and did his song and did the Usher/AJ move (humpin the floor) but i kinda missed that. He did another song and he introduced the DJ. THen the DJ showed off his skillz but those nasty teenies can't appreciate good skillz like that. He was GOOD! he all took off his shirt and spinned around and stuff. He played the Ruff Ryders anthem and these girls were lookin at us cause we new the words and stuff. We clapped REAL loud for him but i felt kinda bad for him cause people were all sittin down and stuff blah blah. Lastly he did Give It To U...Jordan did good. He can dance REAL nice.

FINALLY!!!!! the moment i've been waitin for for 8 months was about to happen. I was just sittin there and my heart was pounding. P was naggin me sayin "Look Cassandra. Soon u're gonna be seein Christopher...LIVE!" and i said "I KNOW! I KNOW!" and i started beatin her with the program,hehe. It got later and later and all the sudden u see TUMH on the screen and *I* was the first person to stand and scream but it was this dumb herbel essence thingy so i sat down. the screen went off and we were STILL waiting. the section in the stands next to us start us started tryin to do the wave. About 5min later they managed to get everyone in the stadium seats to do it. it was cool until they kept doin it. then they just needed to stop cause it was dumb...About 9:30. the lights start goin out and EVERYONE is screamin. I'm like, goin hysterical. the screen comes on and this guy starts talkin about nsync and whatever. He said sumthin like "their will be no more tearin up my heart. their will be no more i want u back",LOL! then this helicopter flies over the stadium and everyones screamin their lungs out and u see JohnnyWright on the screen talkin on the phone to someone. i couldn't hear what the person was sayin. then P told me that it was Chris and i started screamin the wind out of myself,lol. blah blah. then they do this little indentifing each of the guys. first was Lance (i think) then Joey, then Justin and i nearly went deaf from the screamin. and it said that he had explosive pelvic thrusts,LMAO!. i was about to DIE laughing. then it was JC (i guess). then the person iwas waitin for showed up. Before it even said Chris, there's was just a C, i went hysterical. it was funny...they come down from these ropes things and they sing HWG. I was doin the moves and sing and what not. then they did YGI. I was singin and dancin again. they did their little thrustin and i screamed nice and loud while i was takin a picture. then Joey sang that solo part so i KNEW chris was gonna sing the other part so i smbo. it was nice. (just to let y'all know i tryin to remember as best as i can). next they all cleared the stage and the lights went out for a couple then when they cams on again JC came out and there were chairs. he said what's up everybody. he said i noticed that there are A LOT of sweet lady's her in Hershey. Then P and i start yellin "YES, WE ARE CHOCOLATE!!!!" and the girl wit the Justin necklace looked at us and laughed. anyways he said sumthin about being the girl who has everything and bein on stage. unfortunately they already picked some girls and the rest of the guys came out with them and stood in front of them while they sat on the stage. Suddenly, i put 2 and 2 together (and made 4,lol,j/k) and i realized they were gonna do the chair dance with it. I started like, beating on P again sayin " OHMIGOSH! they're gonna do the chairs dance" and i'm jumpin up and down. then she says "yes! i know! CALM DOWN!" HAHA! I don't know if u you all know, but i LOVE that dance. it's very....nice. But they look so corny doin it when they were in europe. They start singin and doin the dance and i'm screamin REALLY loud. thankfully they got it together and it looked 1000x better thanin europe. justin came up to do his verse and he did this little sliding thing that looked REAL FLY! and all the sudden i hear Portia go " Go Justin! Go justin!" and i look at her cause she HATES Justin and i was just shocked". then this tt behind us goes "JUSTIN!". then I go "CHRIS!" it was funny. i mean, the entire section28 was abuncha timberlake teenies and abuncha people behind us were too. they finished and went off stage. my mom told me that she was gonna leave now while she still could cause she had to go meet her brother and my cousins to let them back in the car. then screen starts showin stuff about the 60's. JC came out and Chris was next to him with a guitar and i was screamin. Joey did a GOOD job playin the drums. THen i was REALLY EXTREMELY excited cause i knew what they were gonna do next. The screen came on again and they were talkin about the 70's then they showed the Jackson 5 and p and i went CRAZY. We started screamin "MICHAEL! TITO! GERMAINE!" it was sooo funny! Finally 4 of them came on and they started doin their little dance. then *CHRIS* came out and i screamed the air out of myself. i promise, u would NOT want to be next to me when he came out. i think that he looked adorable with his floppy hat (he couldn't have an afro sine the braids wouldn't fit,hehe) and his nasty plaid outfit. I was singin the words with the song.I don't even know how i knew them I LOVE that song (considering it was out before i was even born). then Justin sang his little 8 word solo part and i was ANNOYED by all the screams considering it was the song CHRIS was singing (lol). so as soon as he started singing again i screamed...LOUDLY. He came over to our side of the stage and i almost lost all the oxygen towards my brain by how much i was screaming. i was about to die cause he looked so cute. i'm SURE he looked at me (haha!) but i really couldn't tell under the big floppy hat. He did such a great job. i was in heaven,lol. He was gettin his Soul Train on doin The Snake,lol (ju'no don'sing, LMAO! sorry inside joke) Unfortunately, it was over, but i snapped LOTS of pics. then the screen talked about the 80's. then the Pimp Daddy himself came out singing "Celebration". he sounded REALLY good! and i made sure i took some pictures of him cause he was doin some MAD pimpin in that outfit,lol. then the screen talked about the 90's. when they showed pres. clinton, man! i've NEVER heard that many boo's in my entire life. they also showed OJ Simpson and some people were booing. But Portia and i started yellin " HE'S INNOCENT! HE DIDN'T DO IT!" (we're just joking. we could care LESS whether he did or not). they showed N sync on the screen and then they came out and sang CFY. They were showing some of the videos and stuff that fans sent them on the screen. Next, Chris started to talk about when the first got together how they thought their acapellas were vital. and i was just thinkin how high his voice was,lol. i guess cause he was singing. they started to sing IDMC acapella. then the music started and Chris started to sing his verse. Once again if u saw me, it WASN'T pretty,lol. He finished his verse and i left "Chris World" and came back to reality and sang the rest of the song. Justin sang his verse and this time i didn't go deaf cause i covered my ears. WHen JC sang his part i HAD to scream and yell cause i LOVE it when he breaks it down with that part. It was beautiful. Next i think Lance came out and Portia and i were screamin " LANCE!!! WE LOVE LANCE!!!". He was talkin about blah and he said GMHSALMTOY. I swear EVERYONE in the WHOLE EMTIRE STADIUM was singing it. Justin even stopped singing his verse and held the microphone out to the audience so we could sing it. The song was almost over and Justin was singing "..a little more time..." but he stopped. Then EVERYONE was screamin. and he smiled, and everyone screamed again. The same girl was like " JUSTIN I LOVE U!". then i said "CHRIS I LOVE U!",lol. then he just stopped and stares and was lickin his lips and stuff and everyone screamed for about 5min. He started to smile again and then he got this dead serious look on his and i even had to scream cause he looked very good. his eyebrows got all straight and everything (wait a sec...his brows are always straight,hehe). he looked cute and he smiled again. then chris is like "FINISH THE FREAKIN SONG!!!!" LOL! j/k! he said i think u can finish the song now. He went back to try and do it again but he couldn't. So chris picked so little girl in the audience and he asked her to ask Justin to finfish the song. the little girl looked like she was about to die! It was soo cute though. she asked him in this cute little voice. He FINALLY finish the song while holdin the little girls hand and he gave her a hug. it was adorable. they went off stage and i think they showed the UDMC video. That video is funny. Justin was wearin this blond wig and belly shirt, SCARY! I was singing the words to the song and these tt's look at me like i'm crazy. I was about to beat them. The Spice girl part was scary too. but the BEST part was the ghetto one. Joey was all up in the camera and HIS PANTS DROPPED!!!!!!! I was like " OH MY!" He was wearin some black underwear. Girl, u should've seen it. But the highlight for ME was when chris put his leg up and put is hand on his knee and started to do the little bootie shakin freak nasty dance,lol. It was BEAUTIFUL,lol. (Now i HAVE to request that video so i can see that part again!)...They came back out and sang IWYB. I was doin the move and stuff. i couldn't sing cause the song was to high or sumthin and me voice was gettin messed up...Oh NOW i remember! I was proably tryin to sing Chris' part. (Bad idea when you're yellin at the top of your lungs,lol.) I wanted to take a picture of the the flip part but P informed me that i ran out of film. i was about to cry cause i wanted a pick of them spankin themselves durin TUMH. then she tells me she has more film in the car, MAN!!!! I think they went off again. then the came back on in the white outfit and did GU. JC was lookin fly with the shades and the white hat. I was watchin the moves to the 2nd verse since i've never seen them before, but i forgot them now. and lance said "girl u were alone" P and i went CRAZY! I yelled "i want to giddy up in Lance's pants!"LOL! I think the girls in front of us actually though Lance was one of our favorites as much as we screamed for him,lol. The best part was when Justin was doin the beatbox and chris and the rest of them said their little "sometimes we feel like doin beats, some times we don't, a ha a ha. sometimes we make u move ur feet, sometimes we don't" it was bomb. then we put our fist up to do the ride it thingy and these nasty teenies 2 rows in front of us were tryin to do the little Giddy Up thing and it look TRIFLIN!!!! they had NO RHYTHM!!!! it was nasty....then the last, song my favorite, TUMH. I was soo good. They did the spankin thing and i smbo but i was still upset cause i didn't have any film...then it was gettin towards the end of the second verse when justin says "i can't take it anymore" and i was sad. chris was gettin ready to leave me. then JC came over to our side of the stage and I PROMISE he looked at me (lol!). i don't know for sure but i felt like i made eye conctact with him and i'll just feel better about myself if i go around sayin that JC looked at me. The people next to us had the NERVE to leave and walk in front of me when nsync was about to go, but after they did, me Portia, and my sister ran to the center of the row. then they brought out the water guns. Portia said they were being nasty and tryin to get the girls shirts wet cause she saw this girl in a white shirt and her shirt was SOAKED. then they started to say their goodbyes and i had to cry more. then chris came over to our side again and i waved and screamed more. then they bowed and and wave and....CHRIS LEFT ME!!!!!! THEY ALL LEFT ME!!! I know it's sad. I'll never get to see them again unless i watch one of my tapes. I was just standing their holdin my program and Portia's like "Cassandra what's wrong?....Cassandra's it's gonna be okay" it was kinda funny though. then about 50sec later the bus lights come on and u see them drive away. i stood on the chair so ....the lights came on, nsync was gone, and the concert was over...We walked back the car but i wanted a picture of Chris but i couldn't find one. i knew they had one cause i saw this little girl holding one up. EVERYONE that was sellin them always had a Justin one and some other pic NO Chris ones, i wanted to go back to the merchandise place but P only had $4 and the pic cost $5. We went back to the van i ran to my mommy and said "he left me without sayin goodbye!" lol. We left. It was about..i dunno. but we got back home at about 2:00am..... Portia and i went up to my room to sleep. I put my cheap program on the pillow next to was DEFINATELY the BEST day of my life (other than when i go to Disney World) and i'm glad after waiting 8 MONTHS i FINALLY got to see them. unfortunately most of my picture i took look like crap and the ones of the screen didn't come out, along with one of my 3rd Storee pics but i'm still happy and grateful!

WOW Cassie! U had LOTS of fun! i should go to a concert with u!