For the Humorously Impaired disclaimer

D i s c l a i m e r



Every humor sites got one, so you know the drill.

NO we are NOT affiliated with Jive, RCA, TransCon, WEG… nothing like that. Otherwise someone would've SERIOUSLY gotten hurt over that whole lawsuit mess.

No we don't know N Sync. Yeah, Tammy met them, but it's not like she goes over to Lance's house in Mississississippi and pinches his cheeks like it's an everyday kinda thing.

YES WE ARE FANS!!!!! In fact we are HUGE fans! I mean, we wouldn't have spent all this time and energy into making a website for them. We love them dearly but, let's put it like this. Do you and your friends ever joke around with each other and make fun of each other? Well, that's kinda what we're doin. We're not friends with them, but there's no harm in joking around about them. Besides, it's not like Chris doesn't make fun of the fans. "hey! You got sumthin on your face! You need to go like this *wipes his face*".

This site is purely for humor purposes. It's just a JOKE! I love to laugh, Tammy loves to laugh, my sister loves to laugh, my friends love to laugh, (get the point) therefore why not make sumthin we can all laugh about. N Sync isn't gonna cry over someone making a humor site about them. There's tons of humor sites and are WAY more harsh things that have been said and done.

I also wanted to add that Tammy and I both feel that we are not criticizing them. Criticizing would be pointing out the flaws of their EVERY move and word they did or said. Yeah, everyone knows Justin needs a haircut and JC has a WHOLE LOTTA energy, but even THEY know that. Therefore it's all in good fun. We will always know how talented these guys really are despite what we joke about. When your and N Sync fan, it can't hurt to make a little jokie joke. Lots of fans do it all the time. We just decided to go a little further and make our jokes public. So if you can't take a little humor in you life, then go eat some prunes or get an enema so you can LOOSEN UP! Babay baaaabay!

