'N Sync Fab 5 Countdown

Each of the guys got to pick their own video that reminded them of Spring Breakand during the video they would talk about stuff. So I divided this up by what happened or what what said during each of the guys videos.

Justin's Pick

Brittany Queers: "Baby I Need a Dime"

No your eyes are not deceiving you. Yes it does say Brittany. But notice how Justin said," In honor of LITTLE MISS Brittany, I'm gonna HAVE TO pick her video", meaning he was forced by MTV to pick it. Thus stirring up more rumors about her and Justin that the little teenyboppers won't let go. Then during the video Justin says to Chris don't you know something about the video. Then Chris is STUPID enough to say she cute in her little school girl outfit (more like looks skanky!). Chris, I don't know how much they paid you, or how drunk you were from partying last night but don't EVER say that again. Then the "Ghetto Cowboy With the Limited Vocabulary" had to add his useless input by saying she looks sexy in the video. Lance You should be careful about what you say considering that Danielle is there probably watching, actually more like stalking your every move. Then finally that horrible PLAYED-OUT video was over.

JC's Pick

The Offspring: "Pretty Fly for a White Guy"

Thank you JC, for realizing that none of these spring breakers can dance, by picking this video. Then they show more people Trying to dance. Then JC had to ask,"HMMMM...Which of the 'N Sync members is pretty fly for a white guy?". Well, according to 'N Sync it was Joey and he turned his hat to the side. But I'm sure a lot of you all think it should have been Justin. I don't think is was Justin because Justin doesn't even think he's white he KNOWS that he's black, therefore he cannot be pretty fly for a white guy if he's not even white! I honestly think Lance should have been picked cause I find it so amazing how despite the fact that he had to spend COUNTLESS hours working with a choreographer learning how to dance, and you barely ever her him sing, that he manages to have so many girls that love him.

Joey's Pick

Will Smith: "Miami"

I was thinking. Maybe Joey picked "Miami" since in Miami not only are there lots of women but there are plenty of friu-tay men who might like to join Joey's "buiness". Anyways during the video Justin seemed to be rather excited about Joey telling them how they went to a club last night aka "Justin First Club He Didn't Have To Sneak Into". He seemed really happy. Maybe because he wouldn't have to use his fake ID now that he's 18. It's also obvious that they stayed out really late last night. Now I know where JC and Chris drank all that tequila! And knowing JC he was probably experimenting with all sorts of stuff that he could inject into one of his veiny little arms. It looks to me like he was succesful considering he was hallucinating cause he was calling everyone cats. JC first you call your friend "dog" on the radio then you call a bunch of people "cats". STOP IT NOW! This drug using is "getting out of hand" you said it yourself! Then of course in EVERY SINGLE 'N Sync appearance Justin has to have his one line that sounds retarded,"Kick it Y'all!". But what made it worst was the body expression he had.

Chris' Pick

Mararia Carey: "Honey"

Not much happened during this since the show was nearing the end although when Chris asked that guy if he was being faithful it made me wonder about him. Afterall we are getting married April 4,1999! Then there was Chris' one strange yet funny quote," I have one of those old spring break romances still calling me...I'd wish it'd stop!"

Lance's Pick

Foxy Brown: "Hot Spot"

Once again, no your eyes aren't deceiving you. Yes Lance did pick that video. I am rather surprised considering how much she is *ahem* revealing her self in that video. Then I sat and thought how funny it would be to watch Lance, watching that video and I started cracking up. I mean considering the fact that Lance is from Mississississippi. But then again maybe the ghetto cowboy part was kickin' in.

If you didn't see this on Spring Break I suggest you do. Then email me and tell me what you think!
MTV Spring Break Menu
"I need to get my party on!"