Fashionably Loud

When I first heard they were coming on this my sister said that Busta Rhymes was gonna be on too. So I was like this is Chris' second dream come true (besides marrying me!). But then I was informed that Busta was gonna be on with Justin newly found idol Eminem. Anyways I know everyone is curious about why Chris' braids are still one color and there are two answers for this. One, Sista Hair Care unfortunately ran out of white hair weave so he can only have one color for his braids. Second reason is according to Chris, Busta is keepin' it real with his dreds one color so it doesn't matter! Anyways here are the reviews. They did three songs so that's how I grouped them!

I Want You Back

Yes I like everyone else was wondering what was going on with Chris' hat. Um...okay..anyways the outfits. Joey was wearing a yellow shirt, JC was wearing a rose colored shirt, The Ghetto Cowboy was wearing a green shirt, Chris was wearing an off-white shirt. Finally Justin. He was actually wearing LIGHT blue. Well actually, according to everyone in Hip Hop it's gonna be called Powder blue. I'll bet Justin doesn't know THAT!... So they basically did the usual dance that they do and everything. Nothing special.

Here We Go

Now here's a song I didn't expect them to do. I guess they had to do something new since 62 degrees showed dem' up with their fly R&B sounds (um..whatever). But something that did interest me was that little alligator move that Joey, Chris, and Lance even managed to do. It scared me at first but after I watched it look really tight. And then all I have to say is when they do the little spin thingy on their knees. Ouch that hurts,'s not like I' it before...on the kitchen floor...ANYWAYS!

Tearin' Up My Heart

This was really good since they did my little 1 minute intro from the Euro album but it wasn't quite as long. Then at the beginning when Joey, Chris, and Lance do the turn thingy, poor Lance messed-up and I heard his knee hit the stage abruptly and you hear this loud bang. HAHAHEHEHA! You have to watch carefully to see that. Then this part had to happen. Justin Has to follow in the footsteps of his newly founded role model Eminem and do the infamous "model grab". He obviously couldn't resist running down the runway and start TRYING TO FREAK DANCE one of the models. Sorry Justin, but if you wanted to get jo' mack on you should waited with the rest of da brothas' and went to Freak Nick down in da ATL! But thank the Lord that he wasn't quite as obsence has Eminem. And I can't believe that Justin would actually risk it with the water again. I mean after all he did break his thumb by sliding all the way across the stage and try to PLAY IT OFF till the end of the concert!...Anyways that's all I have to about Fashionably Loud and if you didn't see it I suggest you do!

What happened when 'N Sync was on the ti-zube?
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