Chris' Clothing Line

Chris' Clothing Line

Well, i've been back to the WONDERFUL and STUPENDOUS (my friend and i came to the conclusion that sketto sounds WAY better than skeeto. skeeto, just sounds...GAY) to actually SEE the clothes. Chris, i understand that N Sync doesn't have money, but that doesn't mean that you gotta make HALF made clothes. THOSE CLOTHES ARE HUCCI!!!!!!!! I feel very offended on behalf of all the N Sync fans that Chris would design sumthin like that. And to top it all off my buddy, Danielle Raabies (sorry i had too,lol...that was a total joke)is the President of it...Being that Chris is me EX-Baby's Daddy i feel that i know him very well and let just give the REAL story about the whole idea of FumanSketto.
Ok, let's just think back to about a little over a year. What did Chris' wardrobe consist of? A yellow & orange fubu jersey, a green & red fubu jersey, a red & black fubu jersey, and a blue & red fubu jersey....(sorry if u come here but i'ma finish this later)

I'm sure you all by now have heard of Chris' WONDERFUL clothing line called FuMan Skeeto (whatever that means), but let's take a look at this for a second. Do we notice the FU in FuMan which is PROBABLY from the FU in Fubu?????? I tried to go to but it was taking too long (my computer is VERY slow) so I just stopped. I'll go to it later. So, unfortunately I don't know really anything about it or what the clothes look like....A funny converstion came up between Portia and I. Number one, we KNOW that this line of clothing is more than likely gonna be some type of Hip Hop gear due to the fact of Chris' hip hop enphatjuwadedness and the fact that he is a bruhva. But what kinda people do we think are gonna buy this clothing? We KNOW that teenyboppers or going to cause it's Chris line and they will assume that Justin wears it (but atleast they can stop miss representin' the Fubu). But the funny thing is that Portia said all these black people are gonna think it's a spin off of Fubu and not really know that it was created by some white guy with braids that wears a lot of Fubu,LOL!!!! Ahhh, hehe. but it not about who makes the clothes, it's all about how they look...I'll have more to say about this later after I see more info about it.

I'm still gonna stick to my Sean John outfits. I'm not to sure about this one, yet