I'm Tammy, NOT J.C.!!!

Okay, lately I've been receiving some e-mails asking whether or not I was JC… and whether or not my screen name was in any way related to JC. The answer: NOOOO!!!!! JDC4LIF stands for "Jodeci for life", for the last time! That's why I put under my bio that I am a FANATIC over Jodeci. I love those guys. This girl that I had the pleasure of chatting with thought I was JC, too. So this will be the proof that I am not!! Read on.


BrownSug947: hello:-)!! a/s/l

JDC4LIF: Hi... 18/f

BrownSug947: same here hi

JDC4LIF: How's it goin'?

BrownSug947: fine and you

BrownSug947: sorry I have your screen name, someone gave it to me claiming it was JC so I WAS going to expose you...but clearly Im wrong

BrownSug947: lol

JDC4LIF: I'm chillin'... just doin' some research. Nope, I'm not JC... the JDC stands for Jodeci... hehehe...

BrownSug947: LOL

BrownSug947: I'm in hysterics over here

JDC4LIF: Wow... I feel so special. No one's ever mistaken me (an 18 year old black girl) for JC (a 23 year old white guy) just based on a screen name. Cool.

BrownSug947: LOL

BrownSug947: I here that I'm a little black 18 yr old girl too...so I see your point

JDC4LIF: I've definitely gotta put this experience on my humor site. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you or anything. I'm just gonna clear up that my sn has NOTHING to do with JC. Ironically, I like Lance.

BrownSug947: OH your Tammy

JDC4LIF: Yup, that's me. :-)

BrownSug947: LOL

BrownSug947: oh god

BrownSug947: I just sent you an email praising your site i'm Kelley

BrownSug947: the other black girl

JDC4LIF: Don't feel bad, this girl wrote me an e-mail that's like, "I've been trying to figure out what your screen name is, and I know the J and C have something to do with JC, but what's the D? I'm totally stuck." I'm like, "You're stuck 'cause my sn has NOTHING to do with JC..." ~LOL~

JDC4LIF: Hey Black Britney Spears girl.

BrownSug947: yeah that's me

BrownSug947: with the real breasts

BrownSug947: lol

JDC4LIF: How did you get equated with Britney Spears?

BrownSug947: oh it just started as this joke, I have a male friend who is obsessed with her so I was singing one of her songs to him and he just called me the black Britney

BrownSug947: and then I added minus the implants

JDC4LIF: ~LOL~ That's funny. Have you been to our site yet today?

BrownSug947: no I haven't

BrownSug947: I forgot to book mark it

BrownSug947: so could you give me the address

JDC4LIF: You should go... I did some major updates. The address is https://www.angelfire.com/in/crunkparty/index.html I put up the sequel to "Revenge of the Boyband" and some other stuff.

BrownSug947: oh really cool

BrownSug947: so what made you like nsync

JDC4LIF: Hehehe... read my "Thank You's" under "Other Stuff"... that explains it all. ~LOL~ Also, read the sequel and tell me what you think of it. I'll be on 'til about 12 anyway 'cause I got a couple more updates to do before a take a little break-break.

BrownSug947: oh by the way I hate the word Crunk too

BrownSug947: those boys know more Ebonics than I do

JDC4LIF: PLEASE tell me what you think of it... Yeah, crunk is the wackest word I've ever heard.


JDC4LIF: What is "crunk" anyway? It sounds like some kind of code that JC would use: "The CRACK is in the TRUNK... it's crunk baby, crunk."

BrownSug947: Justin bothers me the boy is white white white and using the word crunk every other word ain't gonna make him black

BrownSug947: lol

BrownSug947: wow were very similiar

JDC4LIF: Seriously though, I've met all of them and they're kinda cool. When Justin sees black people though, he does kinda revert to his "urbanisms"....

BrownSug947: i'm senior too with Ap courses

BrownSug947: oh god

BrownSug947: that would bother me

BrownSug947: I happen to NEVER use urbanisms...so why should people assume that i understand them

JDC4LIF: Cool! Calculus kicks my ass. I tried to answer a question with "You plus me equals us" to my Calculus teacher and he thought I was trying to hit on him. I should have known better. Yeah, black people are always hit with the stereotypes of "urbanisms", but it goes the other way too... I mean, we assume 'cause Justin talks like that he wants to be black, ya know?

BrownSug947: very true

BrownSug947: point taken


**Later on, the convo goes a little like this…


JDC4LIF: Cool... you're way out in Cali, huh? I always wanted to go there. How'd you hear about my sn?

BrownSug947: nope CANADA from NY

BrownSug947: some girl gave it too me

BrownSug947: in a chat Nsync chat

JDC4LIF: Oh my god, you're kidding! What'd she say?

BrownSug947: you should devote a section of your site to the sadness that goes done there

JDC4LIF: I might...

BrownSug947: just that she KNEW jc (like i believe a 14yr old is friends with him) and that this was his screen name

BrownSug947: I knew it wasn't him but was planning on exposing the loser

JDC4LIF: Goodness... that is one of the most hilarious things I've ever heard. Just think of all the IM's I'm gonna get now from girls asking if I'm JC.

BrownSug947: seriously the people in ther are scary...

BrownSug947: especially the ones who CLAIM to be nsync

JDC4LIF: Yeah... I'll never believe any of 'em are 'NSync... even if they really are. You just can't be too careful on the Internet.

BrownSug947: I went there once and I had a chris impersonator, Justin, and jc

BrownSug947: i know

BrownSug947: like I'm going to just abandon all my witts for a guy who claims to be from FL and is in a boy band

BrownSug947: whatever

JDC4LIF: I hope you told the girl that JC wouldn't make his sn JDC4LIF... that's a bit too easy. Besides, the guys of 'Nsync would never make their answers that obvious.

BrownSug947: Exactly...what do they are they thinking who goes in a chat with a SN called BUSTAGuy2000

BrownSug947: I tore that guy up

BrownSug947: or my fav MUSICISLIFEJC 76

JDC4LIF: Hahaha... I'm dyin' over here.

Well, the convo continued a lot like that, and when I get back from my homework vacation, I think I might make a copy of a chat that goes on in the 'NSync rooms and make a few comments. 'Cause I do that type of shit. Peace!


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