I Drive Myself Crazy

Well, all I have to say is I drive myself crazy LAUGHING at this video! It is TOOOOO FUNNY! Between the straight jackets and the the padded room I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard! Okay here's a run through of the highlights of the video.

In the beginning looks like someone needs to COVER UP a little bit! Doctors aren't supposed to show THAT much cleavage. Then Justin standing in the corner of the wall, and Chris in the straight jacket, LOL! Then JC standing by the wall. When Chris is about to start his part and he looks through the window all I have to say is OH YEAH, WHITE CHOCOLATE BABY! YUMMY!!!! He looked REALLY nice there. But then it had to be interupted by that nasty THING with the K-MART brand clothes, running her hairy claws through his nicely, freshly, done braids. And when he gets down on his knees and he looks like he's singing to the slipper, TOO hilarious!

Then I thinks it's their bodyguard named Launey with the bunny rabbit ears, OOOOOOKAY. Justin looked really crazy yet he still managed to wear LIGHT blue eventhough he's in a mental institution. All the sudden you see Joey with a Superman cape and this dude riding on his back with a spoon or a fork (one of dem), I almost missed the rest of the video cause I was laughing hysterically! And next you see a CLOSE up shot of JC CARESSING the padded walls! HAAAAAHAAAAAA!

This is my second favorite part of the song (other than Chris' verse) when JC breaks it with the "Why didn't I know it...". But if you looked real close the black guy sittin next to him is.....yes wait a minute...DALE!!!!!! Yeah that's Dale from MMC! Juno, the one that JC used to steal menus with. I was really surprised to see him in that. Anyways back to JC, he sees himself and the cheating lovers thing on the TV and he starts jumping up and down SMACKING the TV. All the sudden when he's on the tv he goes "Jerry Springer" style on that guys you know what! LMBO!!! Unfortunately JC had to be confided to a straight jacket. Perhaps it was the DRUGS that made him EXTREMELY over react. I'm really surprised he wasn't in a REHAB center instead of an insane asylum(?).

That brings us to LANKSKIN who really looks like he's insane pickin the flowers and all. But I'm sorry that girl really looks like a skank. Actually no I'm not sorry.(nasty blond bimbo). And is anyone else confused with what happened with Lance and that girl? I mean cause one minute their talking and then she gets mad and leaves. I don't know. Then Joey rubbing his pajamas against his face,LOL! Did anyone else think that Chris' hair looked A LOT like Busta Rhymes when he was sittin on the table in the straight jacket?

Now, the Pimp Daddy, cause that's exactly what his is! "Is Amber stable?" Looks like she's stable enough for him. But wait a minute, then he kisses another girl, I mean lips and EVERYTHING. All the sudden he gets smacked, I mean HARD!!!! TOOO FUNNY. And then he's sittin in the cafeteria hitting himself with a FLY SWATTER!!!! Now here comes the strange yet hilarious part, Joey in the Doctors office. He's like saying something really fast and then she starts coming closer to him and she lets down her hair, and Joey's like saying "NO, PLEASE, STOP" and he gets up and flies out!!!LMBO!!!! What was she trying to do to him? I rewinded that part a WHOLE LOTTA times and I still can't figure out. Nevermind I don't wanna know.

The end of the video and they all run out of the place, and who do I see with an 05 written on their sweatshirt? But Portia and I both agree is looks nice. Then Justin in his LIGHT Blue. And before they can completely finish leaving they see their ex's getting off a bus wearing straight jackets. That seemed to make Chris and Justin jet even faster cause they were all they way at the front. Joey waved goodbye (cause he was gonna meet all 5 of them later tonight *wink wink*!) and Lance ended up with a flower. And they all ran off Happily Ever After!!!!

It's a great video and now I have to add it to my list of Cassie's top 120 favorite video!

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