Isn't It Ironic? (Don't ya think?)


Watching yet another 'NSYNC performance has lead me to see that there are quite a few ironic things about 'NSYNC's character. I'm sure you've all noticed them, but just in case, I'd like to lay a few on you as a non-'NSYNC fan. (And even though I'm not a fan, I don't bash the boys, I'm not like that. I just....make astute observations...hehehe). **Irony- Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.**

JC-- If anyone's ever seen the old episodes of MMC, I think they will all agree with me when I say that he was the funniest (and goofiest) one on the show, what with sketches like "The 3 Bear Stooges", "The Pie Throwers" ('Hey guys! My name's Ned!'), and of course, the infamous "Wipeout" of Emerald Cove. Wouldn't you actually expect him to be the "crazy and funny" one of the group? Yet, now he is known now as the "boring, SERIOUS" one of 'NSYNC. Poor JC. What happened between '94 and now? I guess someone needs to inform JC (or as my little cousins call him, "Junkie Crackhead") that weed definitely makes you happier and funnier than crack/caffeine ever will.

Chris--This one's my personal favorite. I'll keep it short and sweet. Chris supposedly graduated from college with a degree in Psychology, yet he is known as the "crazy" one of the group. Y'all don't find that a little, um... strange? He has a degree in a field that helps insane people, yet he is insane. (Need proof? Black and white braids and orange and green camouflage, need I say more?) The scary thing about this is that I want to be a psychologist when I grow up. ::shudder:: I hope I don't wind up singing in a pop group ten years from now and lookin' like a light-skinned Whoopi Goldberg...

Joey-- The only thing ironic about this guy is the fact that everyone I talk to claims that he physically disgusts them, yet he gets all the ladies. Am I missing something? This is like one of those "planets all lining up and forming a 180 degree angle as Jupiter rises in Venus" or some shit like that. I mean, Joey does look kinda, well...dumb, and does say things that are kinda, well...dumb, and basically leads everyone to believe that he's, get the point. Yet, for some odd reason, despite the fact that Joey ain't all that fine, he gets more ass than a proctologist! He's like the pimp you've always loved to hate, yet had to love. Weird.

Justin-- You'll have to pay close attention to this one, 'cause you might miss the irony. As much as I don't like the group, my sister has footage on every damn thing they do. We were watching the 'NSYNC Top 40 Countdown, and I noticed when little TimberDickhead says that his hobby was basketball. Why Justy-poo? "'Cause I'm only seventeen, I can't get into clubs", or somethin' like that. All together now, "AWWWWWW". Don't make me puke, bitch. Here's where I find that statement to be ironic: Everyone knows how 'NSYNC got together, right? Hell, my mom even knows how they got together and she hates 'em. So here's the kicker: they claim that they met Joey at a club when they were first starting up the group. Justin was how old then? Like fourteen? And he got into clubs at that age? Okay, let's assume that Justin would sneak into clubs that young. You mean to tell me that at fourteen (when he looked like he could pass for twelve) he could sneak into a club, yet at seventeen (when he looked like he could pass for nineteen) he couldn't get into a damn club?! Not to mention the fact that they say, "We saw Joey in a club" with such casualness, kind of like how you'd say, "I saw Joey in the supermarket while I was buying some milk". I can see it now: "So Justin, how'd you meet Joey?" "Oh, I ran over him in a club while I was just enjoying some big tits in my face." Okay, Justin. We all know you really met Joey when you caught him in bed with your mother...that's why he acts so scared of you now. He doesn't wanna relive the first ass whoopin'. Oops, did I just talk about his mom? Did I just cross the line? I did? Okay, just makin' sure.

Lance-- Finally, my little Lancey-tighty-pants. I honestly do think he is cute, in that "I'm so innocent and angelic, 'cuz I'm from Mississippi" kinda way. What do I find ironic about Lance, you may ask? The fact that I can't find a damn thing ironic about him! Uh-oh...didja miss it? Did it fly past ya? Well, let me run it past you again. That is the irony, the fact that there is nothing ironic about Lance. Nevermind the whole saying "shit" and "piss"; that's irrelevant to Lance's lack of irony. Hell, that wasn't even irony, that was stupidity. You'd think that because he's the assumed gay one, the one who looks like a girl, the one who is so damn country and calm, there'd be a whole page on his ironic aspects. Well quite frankly, I can't find a damn thing. If you can, feel free to inform me of it. For now, the only thing ironic about Lance is that there isn't any irony at all.

So, in closing, Alanis Morrisette (I know I spelled that wrong) said it best when she said, "Isn't it ironic? Don't ya think? It's like rain on your wedding day. It's a free ride when you've already paid. It's the good advice that you just can't take. And who would've thought it figures?"

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