If y'all don't know who's who, here's a run down.
Back row from left: Tate, Marc, Ilana, Justin, Ryan, Josh.
Third Row: Nita, Chasen, Tiffany, Lindsey, Tony.
Center: Rhona, JC.
Front Row: TJ, Jennifer, Ricky, Dale, Matt, Nikki, Brittany, Christina.

Okay, if you haven't noticed yet, I LOVED MMC!! I watched it every Thursday at 7:35pm on the Disney Channel, which back then was channel 57. I mean, my sister and I had our mom switch our piano lessons to Tuesday cause we would miss MMC if we went then.

I know you're wondering about the picture, so here's the key. If they're crossed out obviously I didn't like them. If the have a heart obviously I loved them. If they have a gray dot on their head I liked them. And if they don't have anything on them, I didn't care much for them. Here's a run down on what I thought of each of them.

Marc: Marc was cool and everythang. I was REALLY fascinated with how deep his voice was,lol. (i was only like 7 or 8!)

Ilana: I liked her. She had a good personality. But I WASN'T HAVIN' IT when JC played Wipe-Out and he had a crush on her.

Justin: Well, well. I not even gonna try and front like most of those teenyboppers do, and say that Justin was one of my favorite from MMC. I did like him and everything, but I didn't exactly LOVE him. But I do believe that he was one of my sisters favorite.

Ryan: EWWWWW, don't even let me get started with him! I honestly didn't really like him. He was in everything and he just ANNOYS ME!

Josh: EWWWWWW, I couldn't stand him! How much tighter could his pants get?!?!

Tate: Tate was my boy. I liked him.

Nita: Nita was one of my girls and she was definately representin' for us sista's on the MMC.

Chasen: I liked him. Especially his red hair. It was cute.

Tiffany: I liked her too. I thought that her and Chasen had a little sumthin' sumthin' goin on. They were always together.

Lindsey: EWWWWW! She was on mmc FOREVER! I KNOW she's been on there since it was black and white,lol! I didn't like her.

*TONY*: I loved Tony! He was my husband #1 from MMC! After those old people left. Him JC and Dale practically ran MMC. Tony's da bomb! I think he has a cd out.

Rhona: Rhona was my girl just like Nita. She could sing, dance, act, or whatever. She was representin' for the sista's too.

*JC*: Okay, I AM gonna say that JC was one of favorite from MMC cause he was. He was my husband #2. I remeber he was in like pratically EVERY singing thing cause he has tha BOMB voice. I loved JC!

TJ: LOSER!!!!! I hated him! He was SOOOOOO annoying. He couldn't sing, couldn't dance, and his voice was really squeaky and stuff. UGH! He's really ANNOYING! Thus the reason why he's on my Watch Yo' Back List.

Jennifer: I didn't really care much for her. She was just kinda there.

*RICKY*: I loved Ricky! He was my husband #3! Ricky was just da BOMB like Tony was!

*DALE*: Finally my husband #4! Dale was DIFINATELY OFF DA HOOK! He could REALLY dance! And to top it all off, HE WAS A BROTHA! So I honestly thought I could get married to him.('cept for the fact I was 8 and he was 18!whoops!)

Matt: I hate to use this term, but Matt was gay. Everything he did was FOR-ROOT-TY!

Peaches: She was okay till I found out she went out with JC. Then I was gonna have to whoop her @$$!

Brittany: I didn't even want to have to go there with her, but I am. I HATED HER!!!!!!!! (as you could already guess!). She was ALWAYS ALL OVER JUSTIN!!! And darn it she STOLE MY SPOT ON MMC!!!!!(what a coinsidence, her CRUSTY song's on the radio now). I'll NEVER forgive her for doin' that! B*tc*!

Christina: Hated her too. She was friends with Brittany. And she better not EVEN try to break it down like Aretha EVER again! You're voice is CRAP!!!!!

Those are MY OPINION'S! So don't email me saying "I love Ryan! So don't talk about him". That's what I think. I have more stuff coming here soon.

Jigga What?