101 Things To Do At A N Sync Concert

This stuff that Portia and I thought of doing at one of their concert if we ever got a chance to go. Everyday I will add one new thing which means that yes, I will continue this for 101 days. I'm not really sure if I recommend actually doing some of these things there, unless you're prepared to get kicked out!

  1. Attach your phone number to a beanie baby and aim it towards Lance's head.

  2. Get a size 48 DDD bra and size 42 underwear. Then paint part of the underwear brown (lol!). Then once again aim it towards Lance or Justin (lol!).

  3. Stand up in your chair when it's really quiet and yell, "EWWWWWW JUSTIN!!! YOU LOOK PILT!!!!". Then duck down really fast before anyone can see you.

  4. Make copies of the European Album on tape and sell them as bootleg copies.

  5. On the bootleg tapes say that there or special bonus tracks. And in the middle of the songs that aren't on the US album only record the first minute and a half.

  6. Write on a sign "Justin, What's your room number?"

  7. Write on a sign "Joey, I'm legal!"

  8. Run down the rows trying to smack everyone in the back of the head.

  9. Write on a sign "Joey, We made this sign for you cause we figured no one else would"lol (props to Rach!)

  10. Give one of their security guards your phone number

  11. Ask one of the security guards to try on their yellow jacket (preferably one of the heftier ones), then RUN!

  12. Use the size 48 DDD bra to sling objects on stage

  13. Try and ACTUALLY count how many people are wearing babyblue.(if you don't PUKE)

  14. Flirt with a security guard to see if they give you bsp's.

  15. Try and pick-pocket peoples ticket stubs.

  16. Bring a boom-box and BLAST Backstreet Boys.

  17. start moshing during a slow song.(particularly GMHS)

  18. when they are singing for the girl, and it's quiet scream "JC! YOU'RE PANTS ARE UNZIPPED AND YOU ARE EXPOSED!!!"

  19. attack one of the security guards and climb on stage.

  20. attach lights to your outfit

  21. start a mosh pit on the upper level

  22. scream in excrutiating pain "JUSTIN I'M HAVING YOU'RE BABY".

    (those last 6 were from Lauren, thanks!)

  24. slap a girl anytime they scream Justin I love you.

  25. go up to a security guard and say "Daddy, look how big I am now".

  26. start a rumor about Justin going out with Janet and watch the little TTs start crying.

  27. bring some pills and tell the TTs that if they take these pills and be black then Justin would want them, but that is the ONLY way he would want them, lol!

  28. yell to one of the guys "SHOW ME YOUR THANG!!!!!" (those last 5 are from Gerri, thanks!)

  29. Dress up in a cowboy's outfit and get the crowd to start singing the song Justin sang on Star Search.

  30. If you have a bsp go up to Justin and say "I heard you wanted my autograph". Then snatch one of the little teenybopper's signs and write it on there.

  31. If you have bsp ask them to sign your bra. (those last two came from Katie. Her and her friend actually did that!lol!)

  32. Dress in gothic to scare the teenyboppers AND their mothers (from Katie again).

  33. Write on a sign "I Love Justin" but put a picture of Justin from 98 degrees.

  34. Get a water gun and squirt the water on stage to see if Justin might injure himself again.

  35. If you have blond hair and your favorite is Chris, get some black braids like him (i'm sorry, that just WOULD NOT look right!LOL!)

  36. Get one of those loud speaker thingys and say "ATTENTION EVERYONE! I'm sorry but Juvenille with not be performing tonight. Instead these 4 white guys and 1 black dude will be". Then watch everyone stare at you like you have problems (Portia said she wants to do that)

  37. If you're in the front row, wear a trench coat with nothing on under it. Then when the guys come out take it off and watch them stare.

  38. Throw a box of extra small condoms at Lance (lol!)

  39. While in the bathroom (make sure there's a LONG line) sit on the toilet for 10 minutes and make LOUD moaning and groaning noises. Then finally drop a large object in the toilet (like a melon) so the water splashes all over everywhere. Then look at the expressions on peoples faces.

  40. While in the bathroom get some peanut butter and wrap it in some toilet paper. Then "accidentally" drop it on the floor so it goes into the stall next to you and ask the person to pick it up and hand it to you ,lol.

  41. Take a pad and put red on it. Then, once again, drop it so it goes into the stall next to you and ask them to pick it up.(that would REALLY scare the teenyboppers. they'd be like "MOMMY! What is it?!")

  42. Throw a rubber snake on stage at Justin and watch him scream like a girl (thank you Lauren, my sister)

  43. If Justin takes off his shirt yell really loud "OH MY GOSH! I'M BLINDED BY THE PLITNESS!"

  44. Throw a box of pads/tampons on stage.(no reason. it'd just be funny to watch what they'd do)

  45. Start a rumor that Justin said he wanted to have sex with whoever is wearing babyblue.

  46. Make a sign that says "I Love the Pilt Negro" and watch everyone ask you who that is.(Portia's STRANGE ideas)

  47. Steal some of the merchandise when the persons not looking.

  48. Ask the person at the merchandise stand if they have anymore posters of Howie.

  49. when justin does a solo for a song like "TUMH" stand on your seat with some friends, point at him and sing into a megaphone "pretty fly for a white guy"

  50. if you have bsp, about five feet from nsync, scream out "what the f***!? i thought this was the family values tour! i wanna see korrrrrrnnnnn!!" and see what happens *wink, wink*

  51. right when the concert starts, hold up a sign so they can actually see it "BSB Rule!", turn it around, and make it say "5ive rules!", drop it, pick up another that says "NKOTB RULES! I LOVE YOU JORDAN!" and finally turn it around to the nsync side. (49-51 are from Laura,thanks!)

  52. Go all out on the baby blue gear (That means baby blue shirt, pants, eye liner and yes, even LIPSTICK-I've seen a girl wear that lipstick at one of the concerts) and go up to the 12 year old presumed "Justin lover" and pick a fight w/ her on who has more baby blue stuff therefore, who "loves Justin more."

  53. If you're in the front row and JC comes to your section, get out a bag of that powdered Ovaltine (which should look like heroine) and watch him go crazy.

  54. To get Joey's attention-- well, just be up at front row and a girl that's of legal age.

  55. Have a huge poster saying, "*N SYNC's back, alright!"

  56. Get one of those toy horses (you know, the one w/ the stick and a horse head at the tip) and ride around the arena singing "Giddy Up."

  57. Bring a HUGE poster so Justin could see it. Write, " I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!!!" but have Nick's picture on it.

  58. When one of the guys have their "happy moments" bust out with a "SOMEONE'S FRUIT IS OUT OF THA LOOM!!!"

  59. Sing the parodies of their songs while they're singing the actual song ( I've done that, hehe)

  60. Be daring. Be bold. Be different. Be brave. Have a Joey poster!

  61. Bring a laser light to the concert and try to blind the hell out of Justin.

  62. See how many girls swarm to you when you yell, "Got your naked pics of Justin right here!" Then give them a naked (ok, partly) pic of Howie... ::shudders::

  63. Pick a fight with anyone who's favorite 'N SYNC-er is yours. Tell that teenybopper you're having his 6th baby anyway.

  64. Do BSB's dance moves during the concert (esp. Backstreet's Back)

  65. When you see Johnny Wright, attack him. We all know he deserves a good beating (so does Lou)...(52-65 from Victoria, thanks! and I CERTAINLY made sure I gave you your credit,lol)

  66. bring your little brother or sister to the concert, go up to a security guard before it starts, then say "i NEED to get backstage! chris needs to see our lovechild for good luck!"

  67. paint yourself your fav syncer's color so you will "stand out"

  68. steal merchandise (nsync) from teenies

  69. wear the sluttiest thing you can find in your closet...then you'll get some attn from joey.

  70. bring alka seltzer and in the middle o the concert put it in your mouth and have a fake seizure...say you ABSOLUTELY NEED to see nsync

  71. break your leg and end up with front row handicapped seats.(number 66-71 are from Lauren. thanks....AGAIN!lol)

  72. Wear a Backstreet Boys t-shirt.

  73. If they do that part where they say, " When I say N, you say SYNC" and when they say N, try saying STINK. (Numbers 72 &73 are from Nicole. Thank you!)

  74. Go to the cocncerts with signs with big pictures of Busta on it, and that say things like" Busta, it ain't just puppy love(angylgrrl5's idea)", or "Busta Groove".(thanks to KRAZY13Kat@aol.com)

  75. Make a sign that says: "New Kids on the Block reunion! Yeah!!"

  76. Make a sign that says: "We love Joey. . . McIntyre!"

  77. Block all the teenyboppers view with a huge sign that says: "Backstreet's Back Alright!"

  78. While standing in line, yell "Justin" and point behind you, then move out of the way while teenyboppers run screaming.

  79. During the "Sailing" stunt yell "OH MY GOD HE'S GONNA FALL!" (Thanks to Schubie, Woody, and Bugs for numbers 75-79)

  80. Get on someone's shoulders and attack the security guard, then when you have made it to the stage area, jump up onto it and say " LIKE THESE JUSTIN?" and flash him. (thank you kohsmann@bellsouth.net)

  81. If in the front row Dress up like Darth Vader and yell at JC... Josh... I am your Father! (thanks you Lfty918@aol.com)

  82. OKay, if you got bsp's, walk up to Joey and say, "Hey butt-f**ker, if your not busy after the show, how about you, me, and lance have a little salami on rye (a three-some)...(LOL...thank u Alicia!)

  83. When you go up to get your things signed hand Justin a picture of the guy from the Pretty Fly For A White Guy video. if he asks you why you handed him that, simply reply with, because Lance is form Mississippi"(LOL!! thanks Catherine)

  84. some thing you can do at an nsync concert...is tell every one that your jc baby sister and then tell them you have naked baby pictures of him. (thank you ty!)

  85. If u go backstage propose to one of the guys with a cherry flavored ring pop.

  86. If u go backstage propose to one of the guys with a grape flavored ring pop(lol).

  87. Decorate your car with pictures.

  88. If u see people who have decorated their car, rip the pictures of there car
  89. Go around to peoples cars and write on the window "BSB 4-Ever!"

  90. Go around and FLIRT with all the security people to see if they let u backstage (those girls were SO ANNOYING!)

  91. Start chanting "Justin is Pilt" then eventually the WHOLE crowd will to that cause they will think it is a GOOD thing. then Justin will be able to hear it from backstage and he will be proud of himself cause everyone thinks he's pilt,lol.

  92. When their about to sing a slow song and they tell everyone to be quite, right before they sing yell out on obscene comment.

  93. If you are a sista (lol) go up to one of the security people and say "Excuse you! Angry, black, sista! Move out of da way!" and see if they let u backstage,lol.

  94. Steal merchandise from the places to buy them if there's a big crowd.

  95. When there's a big huge crowd of teenyboppers yell out REALLY loud "OH MY GOSH!!!!!IT'S NICK CARTER!!!!" and watch all of them run!

  96. Buy lots of those glow-in-the-dark jewelry things, and use them to spell out things like "JC, you're fly's open" :-)(thank u AGAIN KRAZY13KAT! and for correcting me!:P
  97. If u see someone TRYIN to dance yell at them "EW! Look at that girl with NO rhythm!" and then if the person turns around and looks at u and says "We u talkin to me?" Say to them "IF u HAD to turn around, then OBVIOUSLY u have NO rhythm!!!!" LOL!

  98. Offer dance lessons before the concert and charge the people 10 cents a SECOND, hehe.

  99. If u see a girl with I Love Justin written on her face, yell at her "Hey! U have sumthin on your face! U need to go like this!LOL!!!

  100. If u see the tour bus when they cut through the line of cars, starts flashing gang signs at the guys and see what the do.

    AND NUMBER 101 IS........

  101. Don't do ANY of the other 100 things and just act like a NORMAL human being and enjoy yourself!!!!

"If y'all wanna party like we do..."